Patrick Odum describes what happened to the Patriot SuperBowl championship jerseys that were going to be thrown away because they lost, and challenges us to give more than our throw aways to the poor of the world.
04/17/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Mary Anne Brannon shares memories of her childhood and the hand-me-downs and hand sewn clothes from her mother that were all made with love.
10/02/2007 by Mary Anne Brannon
God can turn our worst nightmares into a way to find his blessing and be his blessing, if we can persevere and look for his presence.
05/04/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Life is a combination of ups and downs and all arounds but Jesus is in the middle trying to bring us full life all the time!
03/10/2007 by Tom Norvell