Articles Tagged 'Each' (Page 4)

Mission and Bible Study

Hey, don't forget the greatest source of information on our mission, the Bible!

Phil Ware continues the series of articles on discerning your mission for churches to work through as they are in a season of looking for a preaching minister or pastor and Phil emphasizes both the universal mission passages and the specific mission passa

It Starts with Mission

Where do you begin to find a new preacher, pastor, or minister?

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by Interim Ministry Partners on discovering a congregation's mission by talking about how churches want to find someone to fill the pulpit in a hurry when they first need to discover who they are and what their mis

Beyond the sacred Page

How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Yearning, our need and desire and longing for Jesus to be real to us and close to us and experienceable in our daily lives.

Practice the Wine of Kindness

What would you have done with the jugs of water?

Rick Brown reminds us to be focused on meeting the felt needs of people and use that to invite them to Jesus.

I've Been Wanting to Talk to You

Been talking to anyone about the Lord lately?

Phillip Morrison talks about a campaign in Austin, Texas, called Explore God and about trying to introduce people to conversations about the Lord.

Why Faith Is an Answer to Prayer and Prayer Is an Answer to Faith

How is faith an answer to prayer?

Ann Voskamp reminds us that faith and prayer are a two street and the both are intertwined with each other and when this happens, grace, joy, and healing flow into Shalom, peace, wholeness and fullness of life.

Teach Them Diligently

Do you need help in finding ways to teach your children about God?

The responsibility for teaching the children about God lay with the parents, and while reinforcing repeated who God was and what God had done, the process also became a continual reminder to the parents as well.

Prayer: Warrior or Weakling?

Does prayer feel like sand getting kicked in your face?

Rick Brown reminds us that prayer begins simply, and in the process fo growing we all end up developing and growing in our prayer life.

Learning to Live the Life God Blesses

So how does this all fit with prayer?

Rick Brown leads us to see prayer in a fresh way, but also the way of Jesus.

Writing on Tablets

So what are you writing on?

Stacy Voss talks about writing and also writing on the hearts of her children.

Our Legacy

What are we leaving behind?

Donna Ware shares insight into raising children to leave a legacy of faith.

Make Your Preacher Want to Preach

What keeps your preacher preaching?

Make your preacher's day, listen and learn.

What Are We Known For?

So how's your reputation as a Christian?

Ron Rose reminds us that we can be someone who argues or someone who is known for loving others.

Everything on the Line

What would you do in your last moments with those you love?

Phil Ware continues his series on the unpredictable Savior and reminds us of the upper room discourses where Jesus demonstrates and teaches what is most important to him to those who are most important to him, his disciples, his friends, those he loves.

Change in the Wind

How will you face the winds of change?

Ron Rose writes about change and how it is not only inevitable, but it is the answer to life's greatest challenges and the wind upon which faith sails.

A Manger, A Cross, and an Empty Tomb

How could it happen like this?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the manger and the promises given to Mary would make the Cross seem impossible to understand until the empty tomb and the resurrection brought back the praise the angels gave on the day he was born.

Beautiful Feet: Go!

So how beautiful are your feet?

Phil Ware continues his four message series on Jesus' last words which must be our first priority.

Last Words: First Priority

Are we listening to what Jesus said?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on the Great Commission and Jesus' last words which must be our first priority.

Leaving the Classroom and Living the Life

Sooner or later, we have to leave school and start living what we know!

Rick Brown talks about discipleship being more than sitting and learning, it involves going and doing.

Let's DO It!

What's got you stuck in neutral?

Phil Ware looks at the last chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7, and emphasizes Jesus' call to us to obey, put into practice, bear fruit, and do what he says.


Is this outside your EEZ?

Phil Ware completes the shift series with the theme of going fearlessly, and focuses on sharing our hope and following the Great Commission.

The One Another Passages

We can't make it without each other!

This is a collection of Scripture passages that include the phrase one another in them.

More Than Mere Words

How do we make our faith more than mere talk?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that religion has to do something and not just talk about a lot of things -- it must walk the talk, practice what you preach, and put your life where your mouth is.

Compassionate People

Compassion employees are actually compassionate people, too.

I never imagined to be so deeply moved by another group of people: the employees of Compassion.

Making a Difference?

Can't we save some?

Phil Ware continues his series on light on the dark side of the mountain reminding us the need for men and women of God to step up and be counted.