Articles Tagged 'Encourage' (Page 5)

Leaders Create Culture

How much influence and power does a leader really have?

Leaders build confidence, encourage others, and equip to serve and thus change the culture of an organization.

Make Their Journey Easier

What are you doing to help those around you?

Mike talks about a time when someone helped him on a hike and it reminded him of how we have to help those who come behind us.

What's Good for Soul and Body

What in the world does soulwork have to do with our bodies?

Healing after surgery is directly related to support from prayer.

Learning the Skill of Communication

How well are you at listening and being heard?

Messing up his communication with his wife, Paul learns the lesson of the importance of good communication.

Right Now!

Why do we put it off and then forget?

Mike learns to not put off prayer, but when someone has a need, he says, "Let's pray right now!"

Ministering to Our Friends

How do we make life among our friends more enjoyable?

Friends can help friends if they love them and minister to them.

The Miraculous Influence of a True Lighthouse

What makes a true lighthouse in a world of despair and darkness?

God gives us moments where we can not just be a solid light, but a startling, once in a lifetime influence for grace and good.

The Interests of Others

Who do you spend most of your time thinking about?

The interests of others must be our focus and not just our own stuff and wants.

Five to One

How frequently are you affirming your kid?

Our kids need our discipline and correction, but that need our affirmation andpositive support even more.

Sharing Burdens

Do you know them enough to help?

So often we don't know each well enough to even know the burdens we all carry, but we must step in and help by listening more carefully to those around us.


How is your speech like a lighted cigarette?

Heartlight's first article was about how we use our speech.

With the Help of Friends

What do you do when you can't do it alone.

We need to be accountable and get the support of friends.

Beware of Befriending your Fears

What is your fear keeping you from doing?

Fear can keep us from many things, but mostly fear keeps us from life!

Born That Man No More May Die

Why was Jesus born?

Jesus came to face our world and give us deliverance both from and through what we fear.

A Humbling Reason for Thanksgiving

Our joyous thanksgiving overflows!

We give thanks for ten years of God's blessings at Heartlight.

Just Trying to Help

Can you find the energy to do something?

People are ready to help in the Katrina crisis, thank God!

Please Pause to Pray

Will you take a moment and pause for this special kind of prayer?

We need to pray for those who giving of their time, effort, energy, and themselves to be involved in the relief, recovery, and clean up in post Katrina aftermath.

Think Before You Speak

Have you ever engaged your mouth before your brain was in gear?

The answers from Family Fued remind us of how stupid the things we say can be if we don't think about them first!

Proving Them Wrong

Have you spotted a hero in the making the lately?

Most of us get discounted, rejected, or turned away at some time or another: but God looks at our heart and doesn't give up on us!


Can a failure be useful again?

Just as key people did with John Mark in moving him from failure to useful, so too, good leaders must recycle.

You Know How it Feels

Do you really know how it feels?

If we have been through a hard time, we know how it feels and God can use us to comfort others.

What We Listen To

Who you listening to?

Who and what we listen to is crucial if we are to stay on track and also drown out the voices that make us fear and doubt.

Letters from My Sisters

Have you noticed how sweet your sister's voice is to your ears?

Women, sisters in Christ, are such a blessing for support, friendship, help and encouragement.

The One Left Behind

How in the world will you ever catch up?

So often we get behind and don't know how to catch up; how about listening to God and what he tells us?

Making a Friend

Can you love the unlovable?

If we are willing, we can love the unlovable and encourage them to know Jesus.