Rubel Shelly reflects on the declining number of divorces per population since the 80's and talks about the importance of preparation and commitment in making a marriage work.
06/04/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Shock jocks have tried to out do each other in shocking, crude, and obscene remarks on radio, TV, and interviews and they have crossed the line and we are the only ones who can do something about it.
05/26/2007 by Rubel Shelly
God calls us to be weird, different, to be like Christ who died outside the camp to help those caught inside to find his glory and grace.
04/29/2007 by Alan Smith
Letting a child go is a scary thing and when they hurt or they are killed or they go through a traumatic experience, it awful for the parent, so all we can do is ask that God be present and real for them.
04/28/2007 by Tom Norvell
We all need a friend or brother or sister with whom we can confess, share our story, and find deep and meaningful friendship.
04/27/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Conversion is more than just a one time forgiveness, it is about learning a new way of life.
04/21/2007 by Mike Barres
Leah talks about struggling with a mess at her new home and shares how prayer and God's help pulled her through!
04/19/2007 by Leah Adams
While some people need therapy, most folks need a good friend most of all and a good friend can do a whole lot of good at healing their hearts.
04/17/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Tom compares the Masters, a golf tournament that is a tradition like no other and suggests that we can follow Jesus as our Master, and use the love commands to be our tradition like no other and this will revolutionize our lives.
04/14/2007 by Tom Norvell
So often we look for short cuts or ways to cut corners to get to a goal that can only be reached by hard work, perserverance, and a willingness to keep on working over time.
04/12/2007 by Rubel Shelly
A woman talking to herself reminds us our need to engage in conversation in meaningful ways with others.
03/13/2007 by Joey Cope
Kimberli looks in the magnifying mirror and sees things she doesn't like on her face and also in her life.
02/27/2007 by Kimberli J. Brackett
How we approach the weekend and the beginning of a new week depends upon whether or not we focus on heavenly things, things above where God is!
02/20/2007 by Russ Lawson
Procrastination costs us so very much because of the time we waste doing nothing and never completing things.
02/13/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Gerald Ford was not flashy or spectacular, but he was kind, honest, decent, and dependable as a president and a husband and that is how he will be remembered.
01/16/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Life is unfair and in the unfairness we need to learn to pray and keep after it and not relent, not praying those PC prayers, but gut check from the heart prayers that are real.
12/17/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
Learning to take things one hour and one step at a time helps this mother learn to make it when her premature baby is having problems in the hospital.
12/06/2006 by Denise Waldrop
We need to visualize who we are in Christ before it becomes a real part of our daily go to work world, and so we need to pretend we are children of God and the presence of Jesus Christ.
11/14/2006 by Rubel Shelly
Phil talks about when his son Zachary was born hurt and how his voice as a father comforted his son and how we as God's children can approach God as Abba Father.
11/13/2006 by Phil Ware
A simple road trip and quarreling kids leads to a reminder that we must all yield our hearts to the Lord as our "boss"!
10/28/2006 by Russ Lawson
Selfishness destroys families while self-examination helps us improve ourselves and bless our families.
10/20/2006 by Paul Faulkner
When we put self in the middle of everything, then everything becomes about I, me, my, and mine, and not about God and we mess up our self-absorbed lives.
10/18/2006 by Kimberli J. Brackett
Burn out seems to happen more and more frequently, but when see why it happens, we realize that folks are losing sight of the goal and are often motivated for the wrong reasons.
09/12/2006 by Bill Sherrill
Life is accomplished and made worthwhile by sticking to our goals and doing things one step, one brick, at a time.
09/06/2006 by Larry Zinck
Both God and satan use the principle of tenacity and persistence to shape and form things just like nature does, but how we use it is everything.
09/05/2006 by Bill Sherrill