Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us that God is at work in us and will get done through us all that we need to get done to honor him and complete our life's mission.
07/09/2022 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word about the blessings in obedience to give us the freedom to become all that God intended us to be.
11/08/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship through songs, Communion, and the Word God, inviting us to realize that in Jesus, we have the power to break every chain of bondage in our relationships and in our lives.
07/12/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware with Doug Peters help us finish our study of The Lord's Prayer and focus on how it points us to the 'coolest" Father of all.
11/20/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reflects on the last tens days of Jesus' life before his crucifixion and points us to the hope of a new beginning found in Jesus' life ending.
02/28/2018 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.
12/23/2012 by Phil Ware
Warren Baldwin encourages us to try harder in our marriage relationships to prevent divorce using the standard irreconcilable differences as our reason for splitting up a marriage.
04/13/2008 by Warren Baldwin
Rubel Shelly writes about our greatest cultural enemy in spiritual warfare, consumerism or greed.
06/28/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Procrastination costs us so very much because of the time we waste doing nothing and never completing things.
02/13/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Dan Brown has given us the challenge to get back into the truth about history and be ready to defend the truth by first getting to know it.
05/23/2006 by Rubel Shelly
We don't have to become Scrooge to be responsible at Christmas and yet still keep the meaning of the season.
12/22/2004 by Rubel Shelly
We don't have to grow dim as we age, we can grow closer to God!
09/16/2004 by Charlotte Barres
We can choose our own joy because we get to choose our ending.
07/08/2004 by Joey Cope