Articles Tagged 'Example' (Page 2)

They're Always Watching You!

So how in the world did they learn to do that kind of thing?

A child buys a car online because he has learned to imitate the actions of his mother on a computer and this is a powerful reminder that our kids are always watching us

Hear the Echo?

What will people hear from you?

We create echoes by our life, so what kind of echo will you hear from the people around you?

The Dancing Duck

Do you know how to make a duck dance on an upsidedown pot?

A duck that dances on a pot reveals the secret to shining our light and keeping our candle lit so that we can influence others.


What, or who, do you smell like?

We are to carry the distinctive fragrance of Jesus with us anywhere we go.

Making Life Count

What mark will your life leave on the world if you go through it unscathed?

If we want our lives to count, we have to be willing to face hard times.

Here Comes Santa Claus

When was the last time you played this part?

Getting a chance to play Santa Claus opens up a deep joy and a reminder that we need to be Jesus to those around us.

Cloud of Witnesses

What do you know about those who have gone before you?

We must remember those who have gone before us and learn the lessons they have left us!

Are You Nice?

So is it really important that we are nice and courteous?

Being nice is important if we are going to influence others.

I Messed Up Your Butter

Are you willing to admit your offenses?

When the world sees us, do we show that we are willing to admit our failures and seek to make things right?

How Will You Be Remembered?

Will those who come behind us find us faithful?

How we are remembered will have a huge impact on our how our children's lives turn out.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking

What do you think they see?

People are watching us all the time and learn from watching what is important to us and to them.

A Lesson in Priorities

Would you have had the courage to make this right choice?

A coach's first responsibility is to coach his own son!

Me, A Doormat?

Come on, Jesus wouldn't want us to lay down our life like this, would he?

While we don't like the thought of being a doormat, the example of Jesus teaches us some things about our need to serve others.

Aunt Vera

What difference does a distant aunt really make?

An aunt doesn't appear on the surface to make that much difference, but when you look a little more closely, she can make a world of difference.

Like Father

Look how far will they go to follow your example?

We have a profound impact on others through our example.

Did Jesus Wear Glasses?

Do we know the real Jesus?

To remember anew how God sees me through the lenses of His love is a priceless gift. I was reminded in communion last Sunday, looking at my son, seeing God's son.


I will miss him!

Some people make an indelible memory on your heart because they are servants.


Can you remember who helped you the most?

Let's focus on the people who have been a blessing, a strength, an encouragement, and not on the baser side of things: let's honor our leaders and mentors.

Good Enough

As God-followers, we can do better than just good enough.

Mediocrity is so commonplace we've come to accept it as normal. But as Christians we're called to a higher standard of excellence.

Have You Caught This Aroma?

What do you smell like?

God wants people to smell the aroma of Christ when they are around us!

Do You Shine?

If someone were to see you, would you match with Jesus?

Christians should be recognizable because their behavior and conduct match that of Jesus.

This Won't Surpise You

Who influeces what others do?

The greatest tone setter for ethics in the market place is the boss!

Do The Right Thing?

Does peer pressure have you doing the wrong thing?

Don't let peer pressure make you do what is wrong; just do the right thing.

Who Influences Whom?

So who really made Bill Clinton President?

Who has the greatest influence, you on the world or the world on you?

Doing the Right Thing

It sure is hard doing the right thing.

Doing the right thing is hard, but the retirement benefits make it worth the effort -- just ask Jesus!