Articles Tagged 'Faith' (Page 13)


Are you too young to know it is impossible?

Tom Norvell Reminds us of the movie Amazing Grace and how William Pitt and Wilberforce did the impossible and overturned the slave trade in Great Britain and he calls on us to dream big dreams and do the impossible.

The Golden Rule

What if the Golden Rule was enforced?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Mathew 7:12). This phrase of Jesus spoken during the Sermon on the Mount is referred to as the Golden Rule. I am curious how the world would

You Know You're Getting Older When ...

Older, better, or simply honoring God?

Russ Lawson begins with a humorous story about aging, but then reminds us of God's perspective and the importance of not worrying about aging, but seeking to live for God each day.

But Do You Trust Him?

Have we really demonstrated that we truly believe?

Bill Sherrill challenges us to go beyond simply believing in God to believing God and doing what he says, which is true faith.


Can you find hope in a hopeless situation?

Phil Ware shares insights he learned from a book and a group of pictures about Compassion International and the meaning of life and death.

Whom Shall I Fear?

What are you so worried about?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we don't have a reason to fear because God can handle what is going on in our lives and he will stand by us no matter what.

Remember Grace

As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away.

I wish I was better at documenting my life. As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away. There are many solutions to this problem; some people are journal writers and have years of memorable

I Trust in Your Unfailing Love

Can you still hold on to trust?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the power of trusting God and putting our faith in his unfailing love.

Stepping Out

Sometimes we have to go beyond what we can see and touch

The only way to find God is to step out in faith. If we limit ourselves to what we our senses can perceive, we will always fall short of finding Him.

Come As You Are

One story that shows God’s desire to empower us is when Jesus took five small loaves of bread and two fish to feed a large crowd.

This is what constantly amazes me about the efficiency with which God is able to solve our problems. It's not that I have any doubt concerning his power to create solutions; it's just amazing that he completes His plans using us! God is a master at solv

It's Still Christmas

Don't let go of Christmas!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas can open our eyes to faith and what the world willfully does not want to see.

Mary's Choice

How did you agree to this bargain?

Phil Ware talks about how powerful it is to look at the cost of freedom to identity of Mary Jesus' mother.

My Strength Is in the Lord

Where do you find your strength?

Russ Lawson reminds us that faith is a muscle we exercise and when we do, we mature and grow in faith and spiritual strength.

Kids Say the Most Important Things!

What have children said to you lately?

Ron Rose shares a precious story about a granddaughter who had such faith in the middle of her surgery and the surgeon who was asked to find Jesus.

Hold Your Head Up!

What's got you so down you won't even believe what God says about you?

Phil Ware continues to share with his own children the values his father taught him.

The Obedience of Faith

Is it really faith if it doesn't do anything?

Belief and faith are not the same thing. Belief becomes faith when it goes into action.

My Grandchildren Really Are Most Amazing

How will my grandchildren make a difference in this world?

Our families are our greatest legacy. Our greatest prayer for them must be that they find the Lord.

Will Someone Please Help Me?

Do you know how to get where you're going?

We all need help to get where we're going. If you don't know how to get to Jesus, don't be afraid to ask someone who does.

Treasure in Toilets

What are you going to find if you dig deep enough?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to not give up when our life seems to be in the toilet, because as often archaeologists do, we can sometimes find the greatest treasures in the most surprising places.

The Jesus Vibe: Daily Altar of Grace

Can't I just keep a little of my life protected from this?

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

God's Spirit Heals Suffering

Your suffering is only temporary.

In a world of suffering, God's Spirit offers Hope for Life.

A Little Washing

Getting a little bored, then try a little God-adventure!

Ron Rose reminds us to find the faith moments in our days and step off and let God lead us in a little adventure.

When Endings Are Complicated, God Is Still Gracious

What do you do when the endings are not always happy ones?

Ron Rose reminds us that not all faith stories have happy endings and that sometimes we have to wade on through tragedy with faith.

We are Brothers

How are we alike when we seem so different?

What Christians share in common is much greater than any differences than could seem to separate them.

Just Keep Singing

What do you do when you can't think of anything else to do to hang on?

Phil Ware talks about the death of a friend who died with friends singing praises to God and how we can sing our way through anything.