Articles Tagged 'Faith' (Page 16)

Anyone Else?

Would you let go?

Can you let go of what appears to help hold you but you know is ultimately going to do you in?

How Faith Can Begin with Fear

You mean God would get me into that kind of mess?

God can get us in some tough scrapes because he wants to develop faith and comfort in us.

Conquering our Fears

So how afraid are you?

Fear and faith are often enemies and fear is often addressed by the Bible and by Jesus -- let's not be afraid!

Passing It Along

Who are you living to bless?

We must live to pass along our faith to several generations, not just our kids.

What Then?

Where do you go when there is no place to go?

God longs for us to come to him and receive his mercy and grace in our struggles and cast all our anxieties on him.

50 Days of Grace

What has happened in your life the last 7 weeks?

Jesus used the 50 days after Pentecost to change and transform the broken disciples into world-changers.

Cozying Up to a Holy God

When is it wrong to try to portray God as our friend?

Displaying our faith is laudable if it is backed up by a life committed to living what we say; otherwise, it's dangerous!

I Jumped Out of a Perfectly Good Plane

Why would anyone ever leave the comfortable for the frightening?

Following Jesus may seem scary or even a bit scary, but then that is what it means for Him to be Lord.

Three Cows

What in the world do three cows have to do with grace?

From a faithful old Thai friend, we learn the lessons of generosity and faith.

Bunnies, Baskets, Eggs, and Stuff

Where did a bunny with eggs come from?

Easter can be and should be on our hearts everyday and we should use Easter as a time to help our kids know about the Lord's resurrection and not just bunny eggs.

Known by Our Love?

What are we known for?

We must be known for our love!

Strength and Help in Our Time of Need

Could you keep on coming after so many years and trips?

Sometimes we don't have answers, but we just have to keep on keepin' on trusting that God will be faithful and bring us home.

Seeing or Believing

What comes first, seeing or believing?

Some things we have to believe before we can see them!

Our Legacy

What are we leaving behind?

As women and mothers we can leave a legacy of faith for our children if we will commit to do so.

Return to Your First Love

Was it more exciting when you first began?

While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.

I Have Decided

Will you still follow?

I have decided to follow Jesus and though I don't do it perfectly, I won't quit

Quality Over Quantity

Can there be any joy in the death of a 13 year old?

A person's life is not judged by its length but by its impact.

Doubting Thomas and Resurrection Faith

Do you ever doubt?

Take confidence in the risen Lord and share his message with many others!

Faithful Friends?

Can I find a friend that is truly faithful?

Friends are fickle and Jesus' friends were truly fickle and faithfless, but Jesus is a faithful friend.

The Leap of Faith

Where will your leap take you?

Long ago someone made the extra effort to even out the calendar... what extra effort will you make?

The President Visits Daytona

What spiritual lessons can be learned from the President and NASCAR?

The President can only come for a drop in visit at NASCAR, but Jesus comes to stay in our daily lives.

Honoring Presidents' Day?

Do we really need to remember this?

George Washington, like other early leaders in the United States, led by faith.

We Need More Sams!

What can we learn from a chubby little Hobbit?

The world needs more people like Sam, who are willing to be loyal, faithful, plodders and endure to the end.

Hood Ornament, Trailer Hitch, or Spark that Fires the Engine?

What value does your faith really have?

All of life is our worship, our love for God expressed heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Did We Miss It Again?

Did we miss our chance to make a difference?

The start of the New Year offers us a new start to do it better.