Articles Tagged 'Faith' (Page 2)

ToGather: Aligning Our Interior and Exterior Worlds (October 16, 2022)

David concludes Psalm 19 with a prayer that his interior and exterior worlds align with the character of God and bring the LORD pleasure!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to align our internal feelings of love for God with our external daily lives that should be lived as our worship of God.

ToGather: Guarding Our Treasure with Faith, Love, and the Holy Spirit (September 4, 2022)

Paul's goal was not to clutter Timothy's mind with needless details, but to encourage him to guard his precious gospel treasure.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to inspire us to love the treasure of the gospel God invested in us and to live with faith, love, and the Holy Spirit as we proclaim and protec

ToGather: What Exalts a Nation? (July 3, 2022)

As we worship, let's open our hearts to God and his call for us to be his blessing to our broken world.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to be the light-bearers of Christ Jesus to our dark world caught in a cycle of decay, destruction, and death.

Connecting Those Who Want to Help Others with Jesus

In a world of so much hurt and so much need, are we going to remain paralyzed to help because of a lack of faith?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect focusing this week on bringing those who want to help others in need to Jesus and connecting them and their resources to the Lord.

ToGather: Faith Changes Everything (May 1, 2022)

Once we grasp the robust definition of faith, we understand why active faith is so important to us!

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins remind us what genuine faith looks like using the examples of the people in Hebrews 11 and the definition of faith the Holy Spirit gives us in this chapter and the three principles that make faith real.

ToGather: Eyes on Jesus (April 3, 2022)

As human beings, we live where we look: Our lives follow the focus of our hearts.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware share a powerful virtual worship in Scripture, songs, and communion focused on Hebrews 12:2 and our need to fix our eyes on Jesus to continue with perseverance and endurance as we follow Jesus and seek to become like him.

More Than...

Our churches not living on mission to make a perceivable difference in the lives of the disenfranchised and broken, like Jesus did, is disillusioning to young adults seeking to live for Jesus.

Phil Ware talks about the need for our churches and our people to focus on becoming JesuShaped as they live the Kingdom of God and not go for gimmicks to solve our church problems.

But God!

In a world swirling with heavy clouds and looming headlines, we mothers hold a massive opportunity!

Melissa Troyer looks at everyday life, her children, and the horrifying images and videos and cries of mothers and children, and sees an opportunity to teach our children to say, But God!

Is God Listening to My Prayers?

Prayer that the Father hears is directed to him in faith with an unselfish attitude, seeking to bless and honor God's will because of our love for the Father.

Bill Sherrill reminds us about the importance of prayer and how we should pray to honor God.

ToGather: Leaving an Enduring Legacy through Christmas (December 19, 2021)

The enduring legacy we want to leave at Christmas is our lasting trust in God to deliver us from darkness and to lead us into the grace of his goodness by being present with us in Jesus!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's great love that led Jesus to come to earth and live as one of us to save us and show us how to live.

Mothers Pray for Their Children

What is more powerful in shaping the heart and faith of a child than a mother who prays for her children?

Melissa Troyer shares a prayer all mothers of deep faith can pray over their children, and the children of others.

ToGather: Thanking God for Our Women of Faith (November 28, 2021)

Many of us have experienced the goodness of God through the life of a woman of faith who helped shape us and mold us in our personal walk with Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to give thanks for the godly women of faith in our lives.

A Time to Weep

What time is it in your relationship with your older friends and family? What time is it in your own life? Are you ready for closing time?

Philip Gulley talks about his dad's heart surgery and his directions for his funeral service in case he didn't survive and the lasting impact this has had on Phillip's life.


Maybe we are too familiar with our modern-day, water-downed, version of Jesus and not in awe of great expectations that the Lord has for us?

Phil Ware continues his reflections from his gospel readings and uses Mark 5 and Mark 6 to remind us that Jesus has greater expectations of what he can do through us than we do!

An Overlooked Gem?

This seemingly innocuous transitional passage in the gospel of Luke is one of those hidden gems we often overlook!

Phil Ware continues his reflections on his daily reading in the gospels, this time focused on Luke 8:1-3 and how this forgotten gem opens our eyes to the importance that women played in Jesus' ministry.

My Brothers?!

How could He Jesus so much more in his disciples than they had ever demonstrated?

Phil Ware shares insight on how the resurrected Jesus forgave and empowered his his 11 disciples through his radical forgiveness.

Our Brutal World

Life is a dangerous endeavor. We pass our days in the shadows of ominous realities.

Max Lucado reminds us to be courageous in our times of trouble for we have put our faith in the one who has conquered.

I Remember Mimi as the Fireflies Dance

I still remember the feeling of holding my mouth perfectly still while she put lipstick on my lips, the smell of the old wig on my head making me want to sneeze.

Melissa Troyer shares her memories of her grandmother, Mimi Margaret, and tells her children about the safest place of her childhood.

Daily Altar of Grace

God isn't going to accept anything we offer him — our hearts, our Sunday worship, our offerings, our praise, our hopes, our private prayers, our dreams — if we knowingly remain at odds with a brother or sister in Christ.

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

When the Cost Is too High!

If anything costs you your family or your faith, the price is too high!

Max Lucado reminds us the real price tag for greed.

Living the ultimate Romance

Proven love can grow strong and holy passion can send sparks into the air!

Ann Voskamp writes about how much she loves her husband and why their passion still is as deep as it ever was.

Live Beyond

I invite you to join me in living beyond the horizon of our children's faith!

Phil Ware writes about leaving a legacy with his children and grandchildren to pass on faith and be passionate disciples of Jesus.

The Way of Jesus #7: Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God, and how his love defined the way of Jesus through the cross to

The Way of Jesus #4: Who Do I Say Jesus Is?

Jesus' trials focused on his true identity, although those who tried him didn't really want to know the truth.

James Nored and Phil Ware share in word and video the meaning of Jesus' trials before Pilate, Herod, and the Jewish Ruling Council and how they helped define the way of Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb.

The Way of Jesus #3: Unless a Seed

Jesus had many opportunities to walk away from the shame and pain of the cross, but he chose the Father's will and our need over his comfort.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the dark night that began the long, painful, and lonely journey of Jesus through his Passion to bring us to God and helped define the way of Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb.