Articles Tagged 'Faith' (Page 8)

Living the ultimate Romance

How strong can love grow?

Ann Voskamp writes about how much she loves her husband and why.

When God Does not Answer Prayer the Way You Expected

What do you say to a nonbeliever when God does not answer your prayer the way you wanted.

It is easy to share God's answer to prayer when things turn out the way we wanted. It is just as important to share our faith when the answer is not what we wanted.

Yearning for the Presence

Why do we settle for so much less than the real thing?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages about Immanuel, God with us, The Presence, in our lives that we yearn, ache, thirst for.

It All Begins with...

Why are we so afraid to do what God makes clear is our next step?

Phil Ware completes his two article series on being strong and courageous and being ready to see God do great things among us.

It's His Problem to Solve

So how do we obey these hard commands to not worry?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that trust in God to act is not passive, but an active life that does what is required, trusting that our difficulties and challenges are problems for God to solve.

Strong and Courageous?

Is there something that can move us beyond being frozen in fear?

Phil Ware reminds us that Joshua 1 and God's famous charge to Joshua to be strong and courageous is as much a promise and faithfulness from God as it is commitment and trust from us.

Check Your Assumptions

Why trust in a God we cannot see and seems to never do us any miracles?

Ron Rose deals with a person who has had very difficult times and feels that prayer is not acted upon by God even if he hears them and that miracles are for times gone by.

Why Faith Is an Answer to Prayer and Prayer Is an Answer to Faith

How is faith an answer to prayer?

Ann Voskamp reminds us that faith and prayer are a two street and the both are intertwined with each other and when this happens, grace, joy, and healing flow into Shalom, peace, wholeness and fullness of life.

Independence Day

How are we supposed to feel about all of this?

Phil Ware shares some thoughts about Independence Day, July 4, 2013, and what it means and should call us to do in our time and our situation in today's world.

Meeting God Outside the Box!

Where can we go and meet God?

Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and Luke 8 and Luke 9 and the limiting expectations we have for encountering and meeting God.

When We Stop Asking Questions?

How many have you asked yourself today?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that questions keep our minds alive and the spirit of a child awakened in each of us.

Who Is this Man?

If we follow Jesus outside the box, what will we find?

Phil Ware begins a series on Jesus called "Outside the Box" and challenges us to follow Jesus and ask the question, "Who is this man?" because it is the most important question in the world.

It is Well

When all seems lost what sustains you?

Phillip Morrison reminds us where the beautiful and moving song, "When Peace Like a River" came from -- the tragedy of Horatio Spafford and a shipwreck.


What do you do when things fracture between you and someone important to you?

Phil Ware talks about what to do when relationships are shattered and how it feels easier to trade in those relationships for new ones, but asks if this is really smartest and if it honors Christ and our walk with God.

Stop by the Lobby and See My Underwear!

What a strange way to get folks to a display on Memorial Day!

Phillip Morrison remembers a dear friend and patriot and faithful disciple named Bette Johnson.

Worthwhile Things Take Time!

Perseverance, not slow and steady, wins the race!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the missing virtue of persistence -- endurance and perseverance mixed with consistency and integrity.


You believe… are you ready to trust?

Trusting is a level higher than believing. Trusting God means that we not only believe in Him but that we know without a doubt that he will do what he says and will do it with our best interest at heart.

Untold Stories: Onesiphorus — The Refreshing Gift of Friendship

What can I do that really matters to the Kingdom of God?

Phil Ware begins a short series on Untold Stories from the Bible and shares the story of Onesiphorus refreshing Paul while he was in prison.

The Faith Gap in '42'

Want to know what is missing in this great story of freedom?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that behind the great 42 of Jackie Robinson was a heart of faith and willingness to honor Jesus in the way he dealt with injustice, hatred, and prejudice.

The Family Farm

What is a better legacy than having a farm that has been in the family 110 years?

Our family has owned our farm for 110 years, but that is not our most important family legacy. Faith is.

Easter is Still with Us?

We're done with leftovers and the eggs are put away, but Easter still remains!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Easter is not over as long as Jesus' followers, Christians, his disciples, live out the evidence of his resurrection in their lives by the way they treat others.

Take a Step!

Come on, you don't have to be stuck on that escalator!

Ron Rose reminds us that we don't have to be stuck on an escalator, we can just take a step and start the process of a new journey and a great escape.

Prayer: Warrior or Weakling?

Does prayer feel like sand getting kicked in your face?

Rick Brown reminds us that prayer begins simply, and in the process fo growing we all end up developing and growing in our prayer life.

The Story: Rebuild and Restore

How can you tell how we are doing with our spirituality?

Phil Ware takes us back to The Story, God's story and our story and reminds us that while rebuilding infrastructure for a city and country is hard, it is even harder to rebuild the morale, moral, and faith foundation.

Does God Have Faith in Me?

Does God have faith in you?

We know we need faith in God. But did you realize that God has faith in you?