Rick Brown reminds us that community, church, family, can make a huge difference in our lives when devastation hits.
08/16/2011 by Rick Brown
Phil Ware talks about using our summers to do God's work.
06/13/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins a series of messages called "The Journey Home" and focuses on God being the home we long for.
06/03/2011 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly calls us to excellence, but reminds us that this must be true in every area of life, including our relationships.
01/31/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware looks at the reflection of the Christmas tree lights in his quiet and darkened house and reflects on the grace God has brought into his life this past year.
12/30/2010 by Phil Ware
Holidays are a time for remembering family events and remembering what God did for us by sending His Son.
11/10/2010 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware continues his series on light on the dark side of the mountain reminding us the need for men and women of God to step up and be counted.
11/04/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware concludes his SpiriFire series with a reminder that God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- lives inside us and makes his home with us.
08/26/2010 by Phil Ware
As Christians, we have family around the world. Some of our family members speak other languages, but we are still family
06/23/2010 by Bill Brant
Janet Colbrunn tackles the hard task of helping us write creative Christmas letters that do more than inform our friends: they tell our story for generations to come.
12/01/2009 by Janet Colbrunn
Christians are designed to live in community.
10/21/2009 by Steve Ridgell
Not using a health club membership will not get you in shape. It is the same with church membership.
09/16/2009 by Steve Ridgell
Christianity is having a community of believers who care for you like family.
08/05/2009 by Steve Ridgell
Rick Brown reminds us that we need to have a plan to negotiate the road that lies ahead for us and for our family and it is called the Genealogical Planning Strategy.
07/08/2009 by Rick Brown
Rick Brown reminded us that families run on values, so what are the values your family runs on?
07/07/2009 by Rick Brown
Rick Brown writes in his family unique series about a family having a plan for what they are going to do and the key step in the plan is to decide how to finish the following, "As for me and my house we will ..."
06/30/2009 by Rick Brown
Phil Ware shares a Mothers' Day story of God's grace and the reunion of a family brought together through adoption.
06/05/2009 by Phil Ware
Rick Reynolds shares solid advice on how to survive an affair.
03/12/2009 by Rick Reynolds
Phil Ware gives the basis and background for the section of heartlight.org called together in his grace.
03/05/2009 by Phil Ware
Sarah Stirman talks about Valentine's Day and what it means to be really in love and to share love.
02/10/2009 by Sarah Stirman
Ron Rose shares with us about legacy, faith, children, grandchildren, funerals, and the real inheritance we need to set aside for those who come after us.
02/06/2009 by Ron Rose
Sarah Stirman reflects on the holiday blues, the ending of Christmas, and the extravagance and expense of the holiday, both modern and old.
01/02/2009 by Sarah Stirman
The things that make Christmas so special are available to the Christian all year long.
12/25/2008 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware takes us back to Colossians 3 and challenges us to take a close look at the places where we do not allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives.
12/01/2008 by Phil Ware
Lisa Mikitarian shares an unusual set of Thanksgiving events that took her far from home where she found family in an unlikely place.
11/27/2008 by Lisa Mikitarian