Articles Tagged 'Fat' (Page 10)

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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Old Warriors

What do you do to comfort those who lived through today so long ago?

Jerry visits and old warrior who cannot leave the battlefields of Normandy and can still remember as if it were yesterday leaving to go fight in World War II.

A Story About A Giant

Are you a giant or a burden?

We stand on the shoulders of giants and have the blessinmgs we have because of their sacrifices.

Getting Out of Our Ditch

Can we really get out of this mess>

The awful murders in our schools several weeks ago almost went unnoticed because we were so busy focusing on the Terrell Owens soap opera which shows how messed up we really are.

Scream Free Parenting

Can you truly parent without the loud volumes and the moments of being out of control?

Parenting can be done scream free, but not because we focus on our children, but because we focus on ourselves.

Hold to His Hand

Whose hand do you hold when things get tough?

In the middle of our struggles, we need to remember that we need to reach out for God's unchanging hand.

Exercising the Spirit: Breath Prayer

Do you know how to pray?

We can learn to breath pray and pray any time and any place and reach out to God through prayer.

Love is Learned

Can you see how God loves you as you hold a child in your arms?

We learn to love from God because as a baby, and even a full grown adult, we really don't know how to love.

All Along, I Thought I Was Reading to Him

When is reading more than just reading?

Reading the story of a lost sheep with his son allows a father to really hear what is in his sons heart and how he is his sons shepherd.

Your Will Be Done

Can you really pray this every single day?

Even though it is hard to pray it and truly mean, we must pray, "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!"

Get Out of the Car!

Would you have just driven on by in your car?

So often we don't live a life of faith because we are afraid to get out of the car and get involved!

Our Heavenly Father

Is God really your Father?

When we approach God in prayer, it needs to be more than by rote, but instead as if we were speaking to our Father.

It Isn't the Real World

Can you see the real world as clearly as a child?

Kids often know the difference between truth and lie and what is real world and what is not.

Let's Go Fishing!

When is fishing more than fishing?

A fishing trip becomes more than a fishing trip when a father honors his son and a son remembers his father.

Tears of My Father

Have you heard God cry?

Fathers may not cry as much, but when they do, it is surely because they love you: and God loves you!

Fathers Know a Secret

What do dads know that no one else seems to appreciate?

Dads know the secret: they have incredible influence over their kids.

Inheritance Day

What are you looking to inherit?

What are we passing on to our children?

A Father I Never Had

Can you find a father?

God is the father I never had.

Guys, Let's Realize Our Importance as Fathers

Is there still a place for a man's man to honor God?

Remembering the importance of men as fathers in our world.

A Lesson in Priorities

Would you have had the courage to make this right choice?

A coach's first responsibility is to coach his own son!

Delicate Surgery

Some things need to be separated!

We often need children to help us see again with the eyes of innocence and call us back to godly mercy and kindness.

Hate Football?

Why would this little girl hate what her father loved?

Our children need us and our attention if they are going to be all that God wants them to be!

Legacy and a Little Tack Hammer

What kind of legacy are you leaving?

Little things can bring back memories and reinforce our legacy: what kind of legacy are we are leaving behind.

Safe With Dad

Can we trust that we are really safe?

God is always there to care for us and keep us from ultimate harm.

Will They Walk in My Footsteps?

What do you have for

We are going to pass along something to our kids, let's make sure it is worthwhile!

Like Father

Look how far will they go to follow your example?

We have a profound impact on others through our example.