Articles Tagged 'Focus' (Page 3)

Building a Culture of Honor: Accountability

Holding each other and ourselves accountable for our growth toward Jesus it often the forget piece in building a culture of honor.

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor with a focus on accountability -- both holding others accountable and holding ourselves accountable for our growth in the Lord.

People in the Process of Mission

How do we hear from God about our mission?

Greg Anderson continues the series from Interim Ministry Partners about helping a church discover its mission by focusing on the people in the process.

Mission and Bible Study

Hey, don't forget the greatest source of information on our mission, the Bible!

Phil Ware continues the series of articles on discerning your mission for churches to work through as they are in a season of looking for a preaching minister or pastor and Phil emphasizes both the universal mission passages and the specific mission passa

It Starts with Mission

Where do you begin to find a new preacher, pastor, or minister?

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by Interim Ministry Partners on discovering a congregation's mission by talking about how churches want to find someone to fill the pulpit in a hurry when they first need to discover who they are and what their mis

A little Bit of Mission Stubbornness

Can we have a dash of stubborness in our mission stew?

Greg Anderson completes the series on seasons in the life of a church and its vision, mission, and focus.

The Communication Illusion

So has communication really taken place?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance and fragile danger of communication in organizations, businesses, families, and churches because communication doesn't happen until someone hears and understands, not just when someone says something.

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Core Values

What really do we value?

Mark Frost of shares insights into transition times for churches who are looking for a minister or pastor and helps them discover ways to determine their core values.

No More Miss Nice Girl!

So what's so bad about being

Lisa Mikitarian talks about being younger, being enamored with a biker while in the military, and how being too nice plagued her until she learned the importance of kindness.


Are you paying attention?

When it comes to finding your way through this world, no GPS can help you. No map program will get you there. You need directions from someone who really knows the way. The book of Psalms says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Ps

A Prayer about Things We Cannot Change

What do I do and who am I when I cannot change what I want most to change?

Rubel Shelley reminds us of the importance of attitude and how that changes everything important that matters.

God's Bridge to better Things

Rejection and disappointment can gut the passion of God's leaders!

Phil Ware is continuing his trip through The Story and focusing this week on the life, ministry and book of Samuel.

Our Legacy

What are we leaving behind?

Donna Ware shares insight into raising children to leave a legacy of faith.

What Kind of Church?

There are two kinds of faithful leaders, groups, and churches. Which are you?

Phil Ware shares with us two kinds of early leaders and churches and groups, Paul and Barnabas become examples of those kinds of churches; each is faithful, takes risks, and faces opposition from the evil one.

Better to Not Assume

When we assume, well, let's just say things don't end so well.

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not assume and to be willing to ask questions and listen so we truly understand what is being said.

Father, Your Servant Is Listening

How will I get everything done on my to do list?

Tom Norvell reminds us to listen to God's voice for time alone with him to be renewed, rekindled, and directed to what matters most in our lives and on our to do lists.


He's making a list and checking it twice ...

Rubel Shelly talks about living by lists and emphasizes the importance of moving things from your worry list to your prayer list.

10 Things to Do with Elevator Time

Have you ever redeemed your time on an elevator?

Ron Rose talks about redeeming elevator time and listening to the Holy Spirit about ways to minister and be a blessing to people.

Your Life in God's Mission

Can you visualize your workplace as your mission?

Rubel Shelly talks about using our work and workplace as the place we live out God's mission for us.

From Drift to Shift

Where are you going to end up when you get there?

Phil Ware begins a series called shift and warns about the dangers of drifting with culture and losing our way.

SBNR: Spiritual But Not Religious

Can you really be this in the real world?

Rubel Shelly tackles the myth that you can be spiritual without being a part of a religious community, at least as a Christian.

We Get to Play Baseball

What do you get to do today?

Tom Norvell reminds us on this 2010 MLB Allstars game night about the blessings of what we get to do each day.

C2K - Go Smaller to Go Deeper

Why worry about this smaller thing?

Phil Ware talks about our need to go deeper into the will of Jesus by getting with a group with whom we can grow and follow Jesus.

New Year - New Options

Are you tuned up to face the New Year?

Rubel Shelly gives us some practical advice and a challenge to face the New Year with expectation and also reminds us to take one day at a time.

Losing My Mind?

Is this where you are right now?

Russ Lawson reminds us that with so many things going on, we need to remember just the one important thing.

Drop the Rope!

Why are we so prone to a tug-of-war on important issues?

Phil Ware talks about tug-of-war and how we so often get into them in the Christian community and whether or not it is more important to do service trips or mission evangelism trips.