Articles Tagged 'For' (Page 18)


Where are you going to park in Chicago anyway?

Patrick Odum uses a humorous tradition in Chicago about reserving parking spaces after the snow plow passes and compares it to the year of Jubilee in the Old Testament.

Get Our Hopes Up

How do we find the bright lining in the dark clouds?

Tom Norvel talks about being disappointed in a predicted snowfall that was nothing more than a light dusting.

The Ally of God's Grace

When's the last time you heard a call for real life change?

Bill Denton reminds us that we are not only saved from something but for something, and we need to display that salvation through repentance and life that is changed into what God made us to be.

Sawdust and Two-by-Fours

What are we overlooking in ourselves to criticize others?

Patrick Odum writes about firefighters burning down their own station, hypocrites, criticism, and our desire to run others down.

In Christ

God does the unthinkable to bless us immeasurably, in Christ!

Patrick Odum shares a clear message from God's word, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, and talks about all God has done to make us worthy in Christ.

Pass It On

Will you pass on the comfort you have received from God?

Phil Ware picks up on the message from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and the Monday article and gives added resources -- videos and graphics -- for folks to use in their ministry and life.

Comfort in any Season

How does God use us to comfort other?

Phil Ware talks about 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and comforting others with the comfort we have received when we went through the season of mourning, grief, and pain.

Captured by Grace

Can you be captured by freedom and grace?

Phil Ware uses the climactic moment in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" where he is told to "earn it" to emphasize the difference between grace and obligation.

Unveiling of Legacy

What will you have to pass on to your children and grandchildren?

Ron Rose shares with us about legacy, faith, children, grandchildren, funerals, and the real inheritance we need to set aside for those who come after us.

Wake-Up Call

Are we awake or have we chosen to fall asleep?

Russ Lawson talks about events that shocked us and awakened us from our lethargy, but reminds us that we often just sink back into our old habits.

Enough Is Enough

Have you ever wondered how he can stand it?

Though it seems that He should, God doesn't tell His creation to go to hell. God doesn't give up on us; we shouldn't give up on Him.

That's Good News!

What's all this religious stuff about, anyway?

Ron Rose puts the purpose of God and Scripture in the context of Jesus and what God wants to do with us, bless us, and teach us to love and forgive.

Radical Community

Does community like this actually exist?

Phil Ware looks at Matthew 18 and radical community in our churches.

Make a Faith Choice

When the world caves in, do you make a faith choice?

Ron Rose talks about a couple that loses everything beside faith and then finds an opportunity to influence others for God.

Holiday Hangover

Got that sinking feeling now that Christmas is past?

Sarah Stirman reflects on the holiday blues, the ending of Christmas, and the extravagance and expense of the holiday, both modern and old.

Star Bright

What difference does one twinkling star really make?

Phil Ware reflects upon the star the Magi saw and puts it in its context of astrologers from Iran who recognized Jesus as King of the Jews and the religious leaders among the Jews who tried to kill him.

A Step

Remember, it is a beginning!

Tom Norvell reminds us that a step in the right direction is a good beginning.

The Lord Is Great!

Have you told other generations this glorious truth?

Tom Norvell reflects on the greatness of God inspired by Psalm 145.

Horrifying Halloween

How can it be worse?

Phil Ware writes about children being valued for who they are.

Growing to Your Space

Are you allowing life to shape you into it's mold?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not settle for cramped spaces, especially cramped spaces in our minds!

If the Lord Kept Records

Aren't you glad God forgives?

Tom Norvell reminds us that forgiveness means the Lord erases our records of sins.

Dropped Passes

What about Christians who sin?

The reality of Christian life is not that we do not sin. It is seen in how we react to our sin.


Just how long is forever?

When people talk about forever, it doesn't mean an eternity. But when God talks about forever, it means time without end.

The Hatchet

When I was a teenager

When I was a teenager some friends and I would frequently get together on a weekend night to go camping.

The Art of Saying, 'I am Sorry'

Simple words, so why don't we say them more genuinely?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that saying "I'm sorry" means truly apologizing.