Articles Tagged 'For' (Page 8)

Someone for Us

We all need a 'Someone-For-Us' Friend!

Phil Ware reminds us of Jesus' idea of greatness and challenges us to follow the example of the often forgotten Onesiphorus, a "One-Who-Is-For-Us" friend.

A Great Reconstruction

God promises us a sacred blessing and a sacred delight in these words of Jesus!

Max Lucado reminds us that while the Beatitudes are demanding, they are also life-giving and a privilege to live as an answer to God's call in our lives.

Resolutions or Life-Quest?

Phil Ware challenges us to look beyond the New Year's resolutions on to a life pursuing Jesus.

Phil Ware challenges us to look beyond the New Year's resolutions on to a life pursuing Jesus.

Give Me Jesus: Now

God came to us in a way that all of us could find him, know him, and find our way home!

This is part of a 4 part series on Jesus' birth called, "Give Me Jesus," and this one focuses on finding him now.

Give Me Jesus: BEFORE!

Who is that little child in that manger who looks so tiny and fragile?

Phil Ware begins a four series set of articles for Advent and this first one is called BEFORE and focuses on Jesus being God, pre-existent before the world began.

After the Crowd Has Gone

Thanksgiving is over; so what do we do now as we return to the challenges of life?

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus gave us a great example on how to deal with the challenges we face after a great thanksgiving feast.

Choosing to Be the 1!

In a world seeking to get and acquire, do we pause to give thanks for all we have?

Phil Ware uses the parable of the 10 lepers to remind us that we want to be the 1 who returns to give thanks even though we live in a world where most people are not very thankful!

Turning an Enemy into a Friend

It's the best way to eliminate an enemy

When we forgive our enemies, we make our lives happier and make the world a better place.

The Lord is Near: Shalom!

More than an absence of conflict, the Lord wants to give us life to the full!

Phil Ware finishes his six-part series on Paul's promises to the Philippians that the Lord is always near and God and the peace he brings will be with them.

The Lord is Near: Assurance

No matter what life, Satan, or circumstances suggest, we will never be forsaken by our God!

Phil Ware shares his message focused on Paul's promises that the Lord will always be near us, focusing on Jesus' promises to his early disciples and to us!

The Lord is Near: Doubts

How do we hang onto God's promises when they seem too good to be true?

Phil Ware shares his third in a series of 6 messages on the promise that the LORD is near; this time focusing on our doubts.

Compassion for the Fatherless

Hear the words of one who has lived it: What does an orphan desire most?

This powerful message is from an orphan who was abandoned and abused by family and rescued by a sponsor.

Hank and the Mop Bucket

Changing direction in life is not tragic. Losing passion in life is.

Max Lucado reminds us that God is not finished with us yet and still speaks to us.

Staking God's Claim on Our Lives

God's Word is powerful in our lives when we go public with our faith and commitment to Him!

Steve Hemphill reminds us of the great power for those of us who believe God is still the Great I AM and who intervenes to bless and empower his people today.

He Paid My Debt!

As children of our Father, we are called to live up to the God standard!

Phillip Morrison reminds us that we are saved by grace and God expects us to be gracious.

A Spiritual MRI

Can I let go of my regrets, guilt, and shame?

Max Lucado reminds us that we can ask God to both examine us and cleanse us; such is the grace of grace!

Cruciformed Disciple

If the Lord can transform Peter with his failures, imagine what the Lord can do with you.

Phil Ware finishes his four part series on Peter and following Jesus by focusing on Jesus transforming and cruciforming him into a great servant for the Kingdom of God.

To Benefit Them!

Preparing my mouth for marriage... and beyond!

Byron Ware reminds us of the vital importance of how we communicate both in the words we choose to say, not speak, and the non-verbals we use as we speak them.

Heaven's Window

Doesn't discipleship involve more than just saying the right words?

Phil Ware shares his second post in his four article series on Peter's confession, focusing this time on our tendency to reduce faith to words and not actions and discipleship.

Invitation to the Great House of God

He's already preparing a place for you, so why not accept his invitation?

Max Lucado invites us to look at the beautiful Lord's Prayer and see it as the blueprint to the Great House of God prepared for us -- not just later, but now -- as his children.

Unleashing God's Holy Fire

The Father has given us access to holy power and a way to bless each other through prayer if only we will take advantage of it!

Phil Ware completes his four part series on growing to become like Jesus through the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, the transformation that Jesus promises us when we choose to follow him as his disciple.

A New Name

Jesus has the power to change everything about us if we will let him!

Max Lucado reminds us of the importance of Jesus' power to change us and make us new and give us a new name -- he points to the apostle Paul, who was once Saul, the persecutor.

Dancing with the Spirit

To become more like Christ, we must allow the Lord to lead us in the dance of grace to the music of the Holy Spirit.

Phil Ware shares article three in his four part series on being transformed to become like Jesus.

Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

God isn't after change, that happens all the time: God wants transformation!

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus and transformation and focuses today on our walking with Jesus each day in the gospels and learning his words and talking with him and taking on on his character and compassion as the Spirit transforms us.

Time to Stop the Whine

We can expect God to show up if we will invite future generations to experience his power and presence with us!

Phil Ware shares a redemptive way of looking toward the future and committing to live so generations have faith.