Articles Tagged 'Forgot'

Kicked to the Curb? Good!

Holy ground — without brokenness, there would be no healing or hope or grace. So, thank you, Abba, for reserving a place for us, just for us, at the curb with you.

Ron Rose talks about how everything he and Lyn set out by the curb was reclaimed and reused by someone else, which is what God has done with us when we have been broken and discarded.

Finding Jesus' Heart for Ministry: Look

Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to look and see people as Jesus did!

Phil Ware leads us deep into the heart of Jesus for ministry as he looks at Jesus' actions and emotions in Mark 1:35-45, today focusing on how Jesus looked at the situation and into the heart of man with leprosy.

ToGather: The LORD Is Close! (October 17, 2021)

We can do great ministry in the name of Jesus and can survive all the tough challenges in life because our LORD is always close to us!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's promise to be close to the broken-hearted and crushed, lonely and abandoned, discarded and forgotten.

ToGather: Caring for the Vulnerable (July 5, 2020)

We are Jesus' heart, hands, and feet. Let's remind each other that we should bless the broken, forgotten, left out, and needy.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship through songs, Communion, and the Word God, inviting us to experience, proclaim and rejoice in the love of God for all people and to be stirred to share that love with others.

Simple Beginnings, Profound Impact

Can anything good come from Nazareth?

Phil Ware reminds us not to put away Jesus with the Christmas lights and blow up snowman, but to remember that Christ is alive in us!

I'm Not Called to That?

Called. Sometimes, I think we use that word as an excuse to not do scary things.

Jordan Harrell reminds us that there are some things we are all called to do because that is what Jesus wants from us.

The Lord is Near: Assurance

No matter what life, Satan, or circumstances suggest, we will never be forsaken by our God!

Phil Ware shares his message focused on Paul's promises that the Lord will always be near us, focusing on Jesus' promises to his early disciples and to us!

Compassion for the Fatherless

Hear the words of one who has lived it: What does an orphan desire most?

This powerful message is from an orphan who was abandoned and abused by family and rescued by a sponsor.


Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to do it, too!

Phil Ware begins an 8-part series on discipleship and following Jesus in caring for the hurt people of the world.

Edited by Grace

Now this is a reason to rejoice in hope!

Phil Ware writes about the funeral of his father-in-law Mel Nelson and reminds us what it means to be edited by grace.

Christmas is about...

So what is supposed to be going on here, anyway?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the real reason for the season and that we must not forget Jesus in all the holiday trappings and mess and reindeer and Santa.

What's Missing from the North American Church?

Why is it so hard for us to get this one key point?

Scot McKnight shares some things on his heart about Scripture, the Bible, and how we have misplaced it as the Church and forgotten to listen to God speak through His Word.

Real People, Real Family

So how do we get real about the church?

Phil Ware continues his series from Matthew on God's presence in Jesus and this week talks about church as family, not community.

Jesus' Hand Will Touch You Too

Does no one see you, either?

From Max Lucado's "Next Door Savior" comes a story about Jesus touching our face and shoulder and our falling down to worship him.

What Kind of Church?

There are two kinds of faithful leaders, groups, and churches. Which are you?

Phil Ware shares with us two kinds of early leaders and churches and groups, Paul and Barnabas become examples of those kinds of churches; each is faithful, takes risks, and faces opposition from the evil one.

Why Shepherds?

Of all the people to announce the coming of heaven's glory, why did God choose this bunch?

Phil Ware looks at the birth of Jesus and asks the very simple question: why did God reveal the birth of his Son to shepherds first?

Time for a Wilderness Calling

Can you handle this truth?

Ron Rose talks about wilderness periods in our lives and God's holy calling for us to live among people and serve them.

The Other Nine

Wonder what all those other guys did?

Patrick Odum talks about the the 10 lepers who were healed and only one came back to thank Jesus and puts the other nine into modern context and describes what they did instead of thanking Jesus.

Horrifying Halloween

How can it be worse?

Phil Ware writes about children being valued for who they are.

If the Lord Kept Records

Aren't you glad God forgives?

Tom Norvell reminds us that forgiveness means the Lord erases our records of sins.

Where Do I Go from Here?

Where can you go when there's no place left to go?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we have a person to go to, when we have no place to go, and his name is Jesus, our Lord.


Who really wants these folks in church? Jesus, of course!

When a mega-pastor says he wants to get rid of the kooks that weigh his church down, Vann is not only shocked, but prays that God sends the kooks to his church.

Where to Find the Help of a Friend?

Do you have any idea how many there actually are?

With so many lonely people out there, how are we going to be like Jesus and God and minister to their loneliness and isolation?

Handling Rejection

How do you handle being rejected because you are a Christian?

There are times when we are going to be rejected because we are Christians.

His Little Ones!

What child have you touched with Jesus' grace lately?

Children are a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility: how we treat the least and most insignificant says a lot of how we would treat Jesus.