Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God to seek his help in our brokenness and challenge us to do good to all people as we have opportunity.
06/06/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us to push past the glittering lights of Christmas and see that God came to be one of us in the gritty and dangerous birth of Jesus of Nazareth to a virgin named Mary and her faithful to Torah husband to be, Joseph the car
06/05/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored shares about God's story through Abraham and David to Jesus and Phil Ware helps us understand the meaning of the story through the genealogy of Jesus.
05/29/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware move from Abraham and Moses to Jesus in God's great story of redemption and show how Jesus becomes the fulfillment
05/22/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that by focusing on Jesus and our need for Jesus to be the transforming presence in our lives the Holy Spirit transforms and conforms us to Jesus with increasing likeness.
05/20/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware writes about Mary as the mother of Jesus and reminds that Jesus, along with every other child, was 'wet cement' given by God to form into the person the Father wants them to be.
05/06/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware look at Moses' showdown with Pharaoh to remind us that this was really a showdown to show who was truly God and our need to choose to follow him.
05/01/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight, focusing this week on the power of Jesus' promise in the face of his own impending death.
03/25/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware describes what it means to 'live MUSD' and how important that we find ways to minister to our neighbors and one another in God's family.
03/23/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to be open to God's work in our lives while we continue on our journey of faith.
03/20/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight focusing on common elements in our world, our lives, that Jesus used to join our hearts to his love.
03/18/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight focusing on the power of the Seed to overcome dirt, darkness, and death.
03/11/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins a four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight as he looks at Jesus' last hours on earth and what they mean for us.
03/04/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of God's grace: both his common grace and his sacrificial grace meant to save us from our sinful failures and save us to share his gracious purposes with the world.
02/14/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us of the divine titles for Jesus in Matthew 1 and then drives home the point that this divine Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Immanuel, God with us, came to us as the child, Jesus.
02/05/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus affirmed Peter's value and his return to useful service BEFORE Peter's stumbling denials by the fire.
01/29/2020 by Phil Ware
Patrick Odum picks up a line from a Bruce Springsteen interview and helps us understand the need for being real about our struggles but also celebrating our hope in the gospel.
01/19/2020 by Patrick D. Odum
Phil Ware reminds us not to put away Jesus with the Christmas lights and blow up snowman, but to remember that Christ is alive in us!
01/15/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware look at Genesis 1 and the Bible's story of Creation and remind us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
01/10/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware combine their friendship, skills, and networks (Story of Redemption Films and and and bring us a weekly video and some interesting things to think about as we journey through life with Jesus!
01/03/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to faith in the eternal God who chose to reveal himself by becoming human and living in our world
12/29/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares an article about his son coming home from college and how it reminds him of the Father in heaven waiting for us to return home to him.
12/04/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of both the exclusive claim of Jesus as the only way to God and the inclusive fellowship of welcoming all people who truly believed in Jesus.
12/01/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share Jesus' plan to reach all peoples, like the Ethiopian Nobleman and the people in the farthest reaches of the earth, with the goodness of grace.
11/10/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware with Grady King give us insight on Jesus' example and command to forgive others as we pray for our own forgiveness.
10/30/2019 by Phil Ware