Articles Tagged 'Go' (Page 7)

Family in the Fire

Jesus is among the familiar trappings of his heritage of faith and immediate family, both of whom are dangerously toxic to him and his ministry at this point in his journey.

Phil Ware continues his reflections and convictions on becoming a JesuShaped disciple, this time focusing on the dangers and difficulties the Lord faced from his religious adversaries.

ToGather: Thank You, O God, Our Father! (June 20, 2021)

Some of us have had good fathers. Others have had absent fathers or bad fathers. In Christ, however, we have been adopted into God's family, and we all have a loving, powerful, tender, and attentive Abba Father!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us honor and praise our Father in heaven on this Father's Day.

ToGather: I Daily Choose Jesus' Cross! (June 13, 2020)

Jesus put fresh depth of meaning into the words 'love' and 'cross' because of WHO he is and WHAT he did!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to open our hearts to hear God's call to choose to keep our sin dead and buried and live for Jesus in the shadow of the cross.

JesuShaped Prayer

Prayer becomes a tuning fork that helps us sing the song of God's magnificence with both holy praise as well as genuine concern for the people in our world.

Phil Ware continues his series of thoughts on living as a disciple that is JesuShaped and focuses on how the Lord's Prayer tunes our hearts to living the JesuShaped life.

ToGather: Who Pilots My Life? (June 6, 2021)

We must seek God's way, follow God's will, and trust him if our paths are going to lead us where we need to go.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to open our hearts to ask God to guide us and lead us in all our ways so that our paths are the ones he would have us choose.

What Is Our Blindspot?

Since it's a blind spot, no matter how hard you try you can't see what you should be seeing.

Jordan Reese shares a poignant piece of writing by her dad as she thinks through our blindspots and calls us to seek first Jesus' Kingdom and that righteousness, not our own biases.


Jesus recalibrated greatness and changed it from being fame and notoriety to kneeling and using a basin and towel.

Phil Ware reminds us that the Jesus vibe is about being a servant and helping others, but he also reminds us that there are powerful memories in the Lord's Supper to help remind us of this thought.

ToGather: Because God Is Able (May 23, 2021)

God has done great things and is worthy of all of our praise.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to give us confidence in our salvation because our God is able!

ToGather: Life that Lasts (May 16, 2021)

Sometimes a single, short, straightforward passage from Proverbs gives us two gems to help us live fruitful and long lives!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate the greatness of Jesus our Lord and learn to live for him from others and help others learn to live for him, as well!

ToGather: Fragile Grace, Transcendent Power (May 9, 2021)

Mary yielded her life completely to the LORD's call, discipline, and purpose for her. Will I?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to say thank you to our moms and call us to surrender to the discipline and transformation God is working in our lives.

Through the Keyhole of Grace

What can we learn about God by looking at Jesus?

Phil Ware compares Jesus to a keyhole through which we look at God and the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see God and gives us a reading plan to discover more!

ToGather: Overcoming the Power of Hatred (May 2, 2021)

We commit to be Jesus-shaped people, people who leave the world a different and better place than we found it.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to be people of reconciliation, forgiveness, and grace, just like our Savior!

ToGather: Look to El Shaddai (April 25, 2021)

We can have hope for the future because of our eternal and faithful Father, the LORD God, El Shaddai, even when everything we think is lasting crumbles into dust.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as El Shaddai, our Abba Father, and God Almighty.

ToGather: Made To Be More! (April 18, 2021)

We will exchange our mortal bodies for immortal bodies that are made for eternal glory!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as we remember the encouraging future and forever-change we have in Jesus at his return in glory.

Tuna Salad and the Rest of the Story

Most of them are wonderful human beings because someone gave them a leg up somewhere along the line, and they remember that. At least the good ones do.

Philip Gulley talks about going to the house of a friend in Chicago he calls Paul Jr. and ends up having lunch with Paul Harvey and reminds us that most famous people are nicer than we might think because they know they didn't get to the top, on their own

ToGather: Confident and Courageous! (April 11, 2021)

Jesus rose from the dead, so we choose to live based on the conviction that this world is not our home, while we long for our lasting and more glorious one!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as we remember the life-changing implications of Jesus' resurrection.

The Way of Jesus #7: Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God, and how his love defined the way of Jesus through the cross to

ToGather: Time to Reclaim the Joy! (April 4, 2021)

Jesus is our source of joy because he lives and he's coming back to take us home with him.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as we remember Jesus' triumph over sin, death, and hell through his resurrection from the dead.

The Way of Jesus #1: Truly See the Coming King

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked,

James Nored and Phil Ware share the significance of Jesus' Triumphal Entry as they begin a special Holy Week series.

ToGather: The Spirit Helps Us Pray (March 28, 2021)

Prayer can be an incredible blessing for us as God's children. However, prayer can also feel frustrating and bewildering to many who are trying to follow Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as we remember that prayer is about relationship and Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to help us know our hearts are heard.

ToGather: Crying Abba! (March 21, 2021)

Since God so carefully created our world with splendor, how much more will he not also care for us as his beloved children?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God for making us his children and promising to never leave us.


A hardened elite soldier in Rome's army comes face-to-face with the Son of God.

Phil Ware looks at the Centurions in the New Testament and reminds us that they often believed in Jesus, and one in particular, can lead us to Jesus, the cross, and our salvation.

Overcoming the Greater Pandemic: From Guilt to Forgiveness

A genuine disciple, and especially an apostle, follows the path of Jesus who gave up his life to seek, serve, and save the lost.

James Nored in video, and Phil Ware using the Scriptures, remind us of the beauty and the cost to God of saving us and forgiving us, and giving us a new life.

ToGather: Refusing to Step into the Snare (March 14, 2021)

What is the snare we must avoid? It's living in fear of what others may think of us or do to us because we follow Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to fortify our commitment to not live in fear of what others may think of us or do to us, but to trust in God who is with us.

ToGather: We are Witnesses! (March 7, 2021)

We believe in God the Father, the resurrection of Jesus the Son, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. We choose to let nothing move us from our faith!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us that our faith is rock solid and built on the foundation of eyewitnesses and the indwelling Holy Spirit.