Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 10)

Upside-Down Kingdom

Our groups and our churches must be the arenas where Jesus' upside-down kingdom comes to life.

Phil Ware shares Jesus' teaching that is upside-down to the world around us in terms of status, wealth, power, position, achievement, and importance.

God's Favorite Name

You used to be normal, ho-hum, and average. No longer. You are not who you used to be!

Max Lucado reminds us of who God is to us and that this great and almighty God has invited us to call him our "Abba" Father!

Adopted into the Family

We come with bad habits, wounds, and all sorts of unfortunate baggage. It takes awhile for us to unlearn them!

Phil Ware shares a powerful story about his foster grandson and how that helps us understand what it means to be adopted into God's family.


How can we deepen, strengthen, and become more aware of our Lord's constant and loving presence?

Phil Ware reminds us of the Lord's nearness, four ways we can experience that nearness, but most importantly, he reminds us to seek the Lord's presence in our lives, always.

Be Mindful of the Words You Hear

You don't have to listen to the noise around you!

Tom Norvell reminds us that we don't have to hear the messages and noise around us, we can follow Jesus' example and withdraw from the situation.

Life Happens!

No one is exempt from life’s challenges.

Brian McCutchen uses the journey of Asaph in Psalm 73 to remind us that life happens to everyone, but God is with those who love him.

Trust God to Lead

Why do we worry about what lies ahead when we know the One Who is already there?

Max Lucado reminds us to trust God to lead us into the future and not worry about what is ahead.

Our Father Is Not Silent!

Does God still speak and make his presence known in our lives or is he silent, leaving us to decipher our own way through our troubled world?

Phil Ware continues his series on finding God's vision for our lives and living on mission for God.

Jesus, Be Born in Me

Like Mary, we don't know fully what we are committing to do, but we know that our ultimate destination is Jesus.

Phil Ware reminds us of the gritty reality of Jesus' birth and Mary choosing to accept the challenge of being Jesus' mother and reminds us of our need to commit to have Jesus born in our lives.

All in the Family

When God chose to come into our world through a child, he chose a family line that was every bit as messed up as our world.

Phil Ware is using December to remind us how to welcome Jesus during this special time and what Jesus' coming means for each of us.

Beyond Description

The beloved disciple wants us to know and love Jesus like he does!

Phil Ware looks at the gospel of John chapter 1 and reflects on all the titles, names, and descriptions given to Jesus in this one chapter and what it really means for us.

Forever Friends!

As followers of Jesus, we are blessed to have forever friends from all over the world!

Phil Ware reminds us that in Jesus, we are friends, and our friendships reach around the world, across cultures, and unite us in one family.

Bat Turn at the Jordan

before we can be ready to be fully used by the Lord in the work of the kingdom of God, we must have our bat turn moment.

Phil Ware and James Nored look at what the ministry of John the Baptizer meant for people in his day and call on us to share in this move toward the kingdom of God today.

Willing to Be Powerful

Dear God in heaven, we’d sure like to have a little bit of power to alter our irrelevance, lighten the burdens of others, and heal the wounds of the broken and despairing.

Phil Ware writes out of the context of recent disasters and the loss of a mother and child to remind us that being a servant, offering ourselves in sacrificial love, is never a waste!

I Have Found the Answer!

Here's what seems to be most needed in our harsh and cruel world.

Tom Norvell reminds us of the needed virtue in today's harsh world.

Looking Beyond the Fireworks

Peter thought it was good to be in that moment in time, but he had no idea the greatness of Jesus that he was missing!

Phil Ware reminds us not to miss the truth about Jesus by getting too caught up in the heavenly fireworks of the Transfiguration.

This is Our Story, Too!

We want our lives to be part of Jesus' story of redemption, and then we want to share that redemption with others!

Phil Ware and James Nored continue to share God's story of redemption and focus this week on Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham and David and the genealogy of Jesus that displays God's grace.

Our Journey with God

How do I know God is really with me on my journey to find a home with him?

Phil Ware and James Nored remind us that we can journey with God like Abraham, knowing that he goes with us until he brings us fully home.

Honesty with God on Our Journey of Faith

Thankfully the Bible is honest about the flaws of our heroes so we can know that we can be a person of faith useful to God, too!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that Abraham's journey of faith wasn't easy, his life was not perfect, and his questions for God were real.

Promises! Promises?

Is God good enough and big enough to make all of his great promises come true?

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that God keeps his promises and Jesus is the ultimate proof that God's promises can be trusted!

God Made Touchable

That is God with curly dark brown hair and wood shavings in his hair and callouses on his hands. That is God come live among us.

Phil Ware challenges us to remember that Jesus was God made touchable and that Communion makes God touchable to us again.

Freedom to Choose

While we can get frustrated by our lack of choices about some things in life, the most important choice of all is ours because of Jesus!

Max Lucado reminds us about our freedom to choose Jesus and eternal life or not.

Dinner with Abba

Communion is a reminder of why we belong at the Father's Table of grace.

Phil Ware reminds us that the cross was personal to Jesus and to us and because of it, we come to God as our 'Abba Father.'

Simple Oil Changes

Why is it so hard to let our Father help us?

Max Lucado reminds us that God wants to help us through our hardest challenges.

Viewing People as Jesus Did!

Too often as human beings, we tend to view people in ways that demean their value to God and reveal the diminished value we place upon them.

Phil Ware reminds us of the four ways we often view people that are very crass and treats them as less than human, then he compares that to how Jesus views people.