Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 14)

The God Who Loves a Party

God loves parties!

When people come together to enjoy God's blessings and celebrate God's goodness, God not only approves; he comes to be a part.

Calm in the Midst of Chaos

Do those old passsages really have something to say today?

Rubel Shelly reminds us about God's enfolding peace in the middle of life's worse storms and that this has been true for centuries.

Thinking about Heaven... Again

Heaven's been on my mind again

I have fewer days ahead of me than behind me, and I recently have been reminded by those with fewer things than I, about having family and friends in Heaven with you.

Dressing Down for God

How should you present yourself before God?

You may be rich or powerful or beautiful or famous or extremely talented. But when you come to God, you take all that off. You humble yourself and say to him, “Have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Sorry Happy for You

How in the world be sorry and happy both?

Stacy Voss writes about her pain and a friend's pain at finding out that their husbands have been unfaithful and had repeated adulteries.

The Elephant Is Still an Elephant

Truth doesn't stop being truth

There are many opinions, many theories, and many philosophies. But there is an absolute truth: there is only one God and the only way to Him is through Jesus Christ.

You Have To Decide Who Jesus Is

It does not matter what everyone else thinks about Jesus. Who do you believe he is?

Even when Jesus was here, people discussed who he really was. They still do. You have to decide who he is. What you decide will make all the difference.

Unworthy and Under-qualified

How are we ever going to find anyone to help serve?

Phil Ware shares the first in a series of messages on Nehemiah called "Doing God's Work with Dirty Hands" and focuses on our willingness to be useable and moldable and trusting in the LORD's great power.

The Real Root of Brokenness

We must not dare forget to give thanks for how we're blessed and how great the Father is!

Ann Voskamp reminds us again of the incredible importance of giving thanks.

Alert to Satan's Tactics

No one wants to be an expert, but we all must be alert!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the sly intentions of the evil one who would like to deceive us, but we can and do have the power to resist.

The One with the Power

The winds and the waves obey Him!

The next time you see a wonder of nature, don't just wonder at nature. Wonder at the One who created it all. The One with the power to stop wind and waves with just a word. For he is the same One with the power to change your life. He is the One wit

Fifty Shades of Grace: Delight

So we are really supposed to delight in this?

Phil Ware continues his series of posts and articles called Fifty Shades of Grace and focuses on the gift of pleasure, delight, joy, fulfillment, and blessing in sexual intimacy for the Christian married couple.

A Grey Sponge or a Pure Heart

Do you really want to fill your sponge with grey water?

Teresa Bell Kindred compares seeing Fifty Shades of Grey to a dirty mop bucket and a sponge.

Fifty Shades of Grace:Exchanging Gods

What do we say and do in today's charged climate of expectation and demand?

Phil Ware begins a seven week series of posts called Fifty Shades of Grace and will focus on Scripture and the Bible and God and the holy plan for fulfillment and sexuality in Scripture.

How Can I Read Them All?

How do you decide which books to read? Start with the one written to you.

There are lots of books you might like to read. There is one you must read.

Have You Seen The Grand Canyon?

The difference between seeing and SEEING.

It seems to me that some people interact with Jesus in the same way. They take a moment out of their busy lives and give it to him. Just a moment. He is a stop on the way, an interruption to a more important routine. And they never really see him. Othe

I Am Begging You to Do One Thing

There is only one thing I really want my non-beleiving friends to do

We are not asking you to adopt a moral code, go to church, or even "become a Christian." We are begging you to get back together with God.

Instant Always Access

With whom else could you have this grace?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit and the gift of the Spirit's intercession before the Father in prayer that guarantees that our words and emotions are heard.

The Sweet Grace of Opportunity

What sweeter taste can there be than the taste of grace?

Phil Ware writes about four remarkable young women -- Karen, Melody, Annie, and Jinda -- and how Compassion and mission trips and Jesus have changed everything for them.

A Call from God

Has God called you?

God's calls today may be different in the way He sends them, but I believe there is still: illumination of understanding, hearing God's voice through scripture and thoughts, a physical reaction of doing what he says do or stop doing things you know are ev

Born of the Spirit

Without the Holy Spirit, how can there be new life?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit with a focus on being born of the Spirit and its ties to faith, baptism, and repentance.

Losing Your Footing?

What do you do when you lose your grip?

Rubel Shelly reminds of where to go in our troubling times.

God Wants Everybody To Be Saved

So what does God really want?

God wants everyone to be saved. Not everyone will be saved, at least not according to the Bible. But that's not because God wants anyone to be lost. It's just that some will refuse to believe.

Safe Place?

Where can we go and know that we are truly safe?

Rubel Shelly writes about the terror attack in France and about how we can only find our security in God.

The Parable of the Birds

This white Christmas revels more than a snowman.

Phillip Morrison talks about the incarnation of God in human flesh in Jesus and the parable of the birds to explain why God had to do it.