Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 15)

God With Us

If Jesus wasn't Immanuel, who was?

So a little boy was born, named Immanuel. He was a living sign from God, a reminder that God is with his people. Because Ahaz wouldn't listen and wouldn't put his trust in God, his nation would suffer defeat. But he had in this young boy the constant remi

Remembering What Really Matters

So where are you investing your time, your moments, your days?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to focus and live based on what lasts and is important and endures into eternity.

Finding Jesus: Be Born in Me!

Can I really know Jesus as someone who is real in my life?

Phil Ware writes a two part series on Finding Jesus at Christmas and this one focuses on spending time with Jesus in the Gospels.

The Choirboys Led the Charge

When singers led the army into battle

It had to be hard to sing praises while marching against a more powerful enemy. It had to be hard to trust that God would fight the battle. It's easier to depend on ourselves, to trust in our strength, to put our faith in what we see and know. But fait

Be Strong and Courageous

Now is the time for courage

As evil further envelopes this world, with wars, rumors of wars, beheading and horrors, the words said to Joshua resound for us today. Be strong and courageous.

'...and thankful!'

So we are supposed to give thanks for this?

Phil Ware continues his 4 part series on Thanksgiving and how important it is for churches to leverage change and growth in in their church families.

Have You Stopped Believing in God?

Can you believe in a God who did not answer your prayers?

It is hard to hold on to your belief when it seems God is not listening. Here is how Christians keep the faith.

Choose This Day

Who are you going to serve?

We have to choose whether we want to serve God, and God alone, or serve something/someone else.

Act(s) 1: Scene 2 — Glory Days

Everything seems better than it relaly was.

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares the second in his series on Acts and nostalgia and doing the work of God in bringing the Kingdom of God.

The Family Resemblance

Do you look like your Father?

For those of us who claim to follow Jesus, there should be a family resemblance between each of us and God and Jesus. We should not look like the people around us, but we should be uniquely different and by our look we should be part of God's family.

Restoring the Creator's Intent

Hope beyond our world's brokenness!

Phil Ware continues his series on the value of woman in the eyes of God and how we incorporate that value into our belief system, roles, and treatment of women in our church culutures.

Welcome to the Dance

All of life is a dance if we will only remember who needs to take the lead!

Lisa Noble shares a beautiful and intimate reflection of her walk, or better yet her dance with the Lord and his lead in her life.

The God Who Goes Before

Who's going to go first?

I don't want a God who stays behind while I go first. I don't want a God who waits until I'm in trouble and then comes to my rescue. I want a God that goes ahead of me. I want a God that I can follow, one who will lead me the way I should go.

Good People Need Jesus Too

Since I already am a good person, why do I need Jesus?

Good people still need Jesus. He is the only way to God because he is the only man to ever live a life good enough to spend eternity with God.

Jonah and Nineveh

What happened to Jonah AFTER he got out of the fish

Jonah is not remembered for his birth place and burial tomb, but because he finally did what God directed him to do. And the people he talked to responded to God's call.

To Fret or to Leave in God's Hands?

Why do we fret over our artistic expressions?

Lisa Mikitarian reminds us of our need to honor God with the things he has called and gifted us to do regardless of how they are used or appreciated by others.

Mud Dauber Determination

Saving spiders for their kids to eat?

Cathy Messecar uses the image of a mother mud dauber to give us some insight into a mother's role about paralyzing the evil influences in our children's lives.

Loveliness: The Greater Problem of Good

Have we've been asking the wrong question for too long?

Ann Voskamp writes to put all of the bad news of the last few weeks in perspective and suggests that we've been asking the wrong question, a misguided question, far too long?

When Home Makes a Heart Call

Do you have a bad case of homesickness?

Cathy Messecar describes how her son went to camp and didn't want to be there but wanted to come home and she makes a connection with the story of the prodigal son in Jesus' parable in Luke 15.

Lost and Found

If I lose a $20 bill, it doesn't matter if I still have two other ones. I want to find the lost one. God feels that way about us.

Just like we rejoice over finding lost money, God rejoices when lost people are found.

The Night I Was Argentine

Sometimes, everyone gets to be a part of things

My status as an Argentine was a fleeting thing. It ended when the World Cup celebration was over. But my right to be a part of God’s people will never end.

All Undone

Can the Lord help put me back together so I can keeping serving those I server for Him?

Michele Howe shares with us a poignant story of a woman caregiver and the loss of a client, or patient, and friend, and how it wipes her out and discourages her until she finds a way to bless this friend and her family and goes to the Father in prayer.

Faith, Hope, Love & Deployment

For those on the front lines and face loss daily.

Heather Gray shares a devotional on death and love and the power of God through it all for families who are deployed in harms way and she speaks with the authenticity of someone who knows because her husband David Gray was killed in Afghanistan.

Following God in the Wilderness

Can you hear the sound of trumpets?

Mark Frost continues his four part series on the interim season and comparing it to Israel's time in the wilderness and how God fashioned, shaped, molded, corrected, honed, built, re-built, transformed, his people through their time in the wilderness of t

Listen to the Rain

When was the last time you purposely paused to listen to the rain?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares her love for the rain, being still, thinking about the reason and purpose we are here, and Amy Purdy.