Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 24)

Unrestrained Joy

When's the last time you jumped up and down for joy?

Tom Norvell talks about a returning soldier being greeted by unrestrained joy by his wife and children and asked when was the last time you did that with God.

Great Smokey Mountains and Tourists

When I am so busy with my life that I cannot see the life God created for me.

We often get so caught up in the world of our own making that we miss the life God created.

What For?

Most of us want to live longer. What for?

We don't just need more life. We need meaning in our lives.

Family Unique: The Big Question

Do you have a plan for your family's road ahead?

Rick Brown writes in his family unique series about a family having a plan for what they are going to do and the key step in the plan is to decide how to finish the following, "As for me and my house we will ..."

System Maintenance

What's slowing down your system?

Computers generate temporary files that can accumulate over time and slow down the system. We can get bogged down in the same way by things that accumulate in our minds over time.


So what can you do to make yourself a blessing to others?

Rubel Shelly shares insights on being helpful and how it's part of our being created in the image of God.

What the Dying Reveal to Us about the Trinity

How can we see movement in stillness?

Scott Owings shares how his work in hospice chaplaincy has helped him appreciate the things that the dying can teach us, especially about the difficult concept of the Trinity.

It's Personal

Jesus died for me ... it doesn't get any more personal than that

Jesus' death on the cross was personal. He died for each one of us personally. It's not about theology; it's about Jesus' living and dying for you and for me.

Making God Touchable

Have you touched someone in the name of Jesus, lately?

Phil Ware talks about making God touchable and how we share the touch of Jesus with others.

Am I Lucky ... Or What?

Who is responsible for the good things that happen to me?

Good things happen in this world. I believe that God is the source of the these in the lives of his people. It is not "dumb luck" or "blind fate."

Giving What Can't Be Kept

If you can't keep something, why not give it up?

There is nothing foolish about turning our back on the things of this life in order to gain a life that has no end.

No Minister?

Can a

Patrick Odum talks about how we are all called to be ministers and challenges us to imagine church lived that way.

The Partnership

Can you see more going on in your life than the daily grind?

Phil Ware writes about having a sense of divine partnership in daily life and being used by God and sensing God's presence in what we do.

I've Got Nothing!

What do you do when you don't feel like you have anything to offer?

Tom Norvell reminds us to listen to God when we feel like we have nothing to offer, and if we do, we will realize that is enough.

Simon's Mistaken Judgement

Where in the world did she come from?

Rubel Shelly compares the prophet Samuel choosing a king to Simon Cowell's view of a woman from Scotland trying to sing and reminds us that outward appearances don't reveal talent or the heart of a person.

Blessings Through Brokenness

God knows how to use broken things

God gathers broken things and puts them back together, including broken people.

In God We Still Trust

You may not be Moses, but isn't God still God?

Russ Lawson shares a story of remarkable faith and the line, I am not Moses, but God is still Jehovah.

A Churchy Word

So what does repentance mean, anyway?

Repentance is more than feeling sorry about sin. It's a change, a change of mind that brings about a change in life.

Beyond the Mirror

When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Phil Ware challenges us to look beyond the cosmetic image we see in the mirror and view ourselves as God does.

Big Fish and Lost Worms

God sent his Son to where we were.

Jesus did the difficult thing when he left heaven and came to earth. He did it because that was where we were.


How do you extract a splinter from your soul?

Just like a splinter can infect our body if left too long, sin infects our souls if we don't get it out. The old saying is true, "Confession is good for the soul."


So what are you going to hang on to during the

Rubel Shelly uses an acronym and a website to remind us that it is going to be okay.


Where are you going to park in Chicago anyway?

Patrick Odum uses a humorous tradition in Chicago about reserving parking spaces after the snow plow passes and compares it to the year of Jubilee in the Old Testament.

Promoted to Heaven

Promotion Day is coming!

Death is just another stage in our journey to heaven; it's like Promotion Day at Sunday School. You're just moving on to something better

Together in His Grace

What are you guys trying to do here?

Phil Ware gives the basis and background for the section of called together in his grace.