Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 31)

The Little Things

What is too small to trust God with?

Leah talks about struggling with a mess at her new home and shares how prayer and God's help pulled her through!

Eye of the Tiger

What would it mean for us to live courageously?

God can help us live life courageously, to have the "Eye of the Tiger"

Laughing Jesus?

How often have you pictured Jesus laughing?

Jesus laughed, and God laughed, and God commanded laughing, and worthy women laugh, and joy is to be a part of our life as followers of Jesus.

A Tradition Like No Other

Do we have a Master's tradition?

Tom compares the Masters, a golf tournament that is a tradition like no other and suggests that we can follow Jesus as our Master, and use the love commands to be our tradition like no other and this will revolutionize our lives.

Forever Stamps?

Does anything really last forever?

Somethings have been bought forever, maybe not stamps, but we have been bought by the blood of CHrist.

The Hanging of Randal Batey

How is your perception?

A humorous account of a hanging leads to some observations on how frequently our perception is wrong.

If Life Were as Sweet as a Krispy Kreme Doughnut

If you could use a type of food to describe your life, what would it be?

Consider the power of attitude, the idea that how we choose to view life impacts the quality of it.

Resolve to Follow Christ's Path

Are you ready to quit your New Year's resolution?

Whatever commitments you made for the new year I hope you're keeping them, but more importantly my hope and prayer is that you are holding on to the commitment to love Christ. are holding on to the commitment to love Christ.

Let's Not Be Deceived!

Have you been trusting in the wrong things?

It is so easy to be deceived by the evil one, but the Scriptures can help us like they helped Jesus overcome temptation.

The Art of Kindergarten Identity

How special are you and why?

What will it take for us to realize our great value to God simply because he wants us to love him and be with him?

What a Great Preacher!

So what really makes him great at preaching?

The best preachers are not those we know but the ones Steve describes in this article who serve without pay and to bless others because that person wants them to know about Jesus!

I Got God!

Who do you have in your journey through life?

Tammy is brought to a deeper realization of just how important God's faithfulness is to her through her journey through life with her son's cancer.

From the Window Seat

What can you see from where you are sitting?

Tom takes a ride on an airliner and from the window seat remembers how important it is to look at things from another perspective, God's perspective.

Something Bigger

What can be bigger than this?

In a humorous teaser from comedians comes the important reminder that God is bigger!


Can we really find true happiness here?

We are killing ourselves trying to find happiness in things and miss it because it is not found there.

With Jesus, Things Happen!

Don't you want to see this?

When Jesus enters someone's life, that life will be changed ... for the better, because in Jesus, things happen!

Surprised by Love

Could this be the greatest love story of all?

Love is unpredictable and that is the real meaning of love, that God would do the unexpected to love us and draw us to himself.

Everything I Know About Horses

How much do you really know about life from what you see in the movies?

What we learn from movies is not very accurate to life and we need to listen to God's word rather than movie stars.

Escape Velocity?

Can you get out of your problems before they drag you down?

God will stick by us and get us through the worse times in our lives.

Good for You!

So is marriage really that big an improvement?

Marriage proves to be beneficial for both men and women, though for different reasons.

Lord, Change Us — Change Me!

Has God really grabbed your heart enough to change your life?

Tom prays to God that all that he has seen, heard, experienced, and known in worship will change his heart and move him to be the person God wants him to be.

Understanding What Is Really Important

Beyond Google to God?

We can search Google and the Internet for all sorts of things, but the truth is going to be found in Jesus and His Word.

Filling the Vacuum

What are you putting in the empty places of their lives?

We've got to fill our kids with good things and not just tell them what not to do, because if we don't fill them with God's stuff, someone is going to fill them with satan's stuff.

Change of Plans

What do you do when you have to make a change in your plans?

Phil reminds us that a change in our plans may not be for the worst, in fact it may be one of God's little reminders that we need to be aware of his work in our lives.

Worst Analogy

These analogies are so bad, they're like ...

God's love exhausts all analogies and can only be defined by what he did in Jesus on the cross and in the manger.