Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 33)

Making God Laugh

Should this actually be one of our life goals?

God is really in control, and is at our side, and in control of our agenda if we will loosen up and let him lead us.

Spiritual Immunity

Can we actually help our families and our friends become immune to ungodliness?

Spiritual immunity comes from rearing children in godly homes with godly values and godly actions.

Looking for Answers

How in the world are you going to decide your biggest life questions?

Sometimes we just have to make the decision and go on trusting God to guide you to where you need to be.

God is So Big!

How big is God in your daily world?

God is so big that he is greater than heart and can help us overcome the daily grind in all its mundane sameness.

The Fear of the Lord

Why should I excited about fearing the Lord?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and worship, but it is not a terror of the Lord, but an enraptured love-filled walk with a holy God.

Change is Constant

How can change be a constant that ties us to the past and gives us hope for the future?

Change is a constant so how we deal with it is crucial and is part of our heritage as God's people.

What Was She Thinking?

Can you imagine what in the world these people had in mind?

Dumb criminals remind us that we are all just a step away from moral calamity and disaster and must resist satan and draw near to God.

The End of One Chapter

How would you handle this if it were your child?

A mother with a son who has a tumor talks about the challenges and changes she and her family have faced during his theraphy and the faithfulness of God.

Change is Constant

Do you really want things to quit changing?

Change is inevitable and we should appreciate many of the changes, but we need to trust in God who does not change.

Hold to His Hand

Whose hand do you hold when things get tough?

In the middle of our struggles, we need to remember that we need to reach out for God's unchanging hand.

What's Your Real Goal?

When did the World Cup start mattering to monks, anyway?

World Cup was such a big deal that even the monks in Thailand changed their priorities, but we must work to keep God number one in our hearts at all times.

For Freedom!

Are you taking care of your freedom?

Freedom in Christ came at a high price and must be protected from legalism and license and can best be understood by flying a kite.

So What's the Point of the Bible?

Do you really know why God gave us the Bible?

The Bible is given to us to help us know God and how to live for God, not to judge others.

More Than We Can Ask!

Do you really believe God can do more?

God can do all things, even more than we imagine, so why do we live and pray like we don't believe this?

It's not an Odd Thing; It's a God Thing

Are the things going on in your life just random or are they God things?

Journaling allows us to see God's work, his fingerprints, his involvement in our lives.

Love is Learned

Can you see how God loves you as you hold a child in your arms?

We learn to love from God because as a baby, and even a full grown adult, we really don't know how to love.

God's Still, Small Voice

Can you hear God in the rush of your daily grind?

Not only must we be still and hear God, but he also longs to come to us in the busy rush of our daily lives.

Lessons from LEGOs

What can be learned from a pile of LEGOs?

We can learn a lot about who we are spiritually from a box of LEGOs, things like unity and being built by God into something special.

Address Unknown?

Can we live like we know for sure?

God is at work in the ordinary and unimportant aspects of life as well as the extraordinary and debilitating aspects of life.

Who Could Ask for More?

Have you ever thought how much God cares for you?

A little girls interruptions become the occasion for seeing how much God loves and listens to us.

The Blessing of the Powerless

What blessing can there be in powerlessness?

Life is full of events that make us feel and actually be powerless, but that is exactly where God can work in our life the most.


Does it really matter all that much what we intend to do?

God is really the only one whose intentions really matter, what I intend to do does hold that much weight.

Your Will Be Done

Can you really pray this every single day?

Even though it is hard to pray it and truly mean, we must pray, "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!"

Living Life in Balance

How are you doing on life's see-saw?

We need to be balance in our lives -- physically, spiritually, and relationally.

What They See Is What You Really Love

What do you really love?

What we really love shines through and shows others our heart and will reveal or not reveal our passion for God.