Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 34)

Vulnerable God

What makes God's love so irresistable?

God's vulnerability, his openness in Jesus to his emotions, is captivating.


What are you filling your tank with?

We can think we are following God's will, but the only way to know for sure is by consulting his word.

Exercising the Spirit: Lectio

Have you really been listening for God in his word?

If we are to grow in our spiritual walk, we must exercise the Spirit within us and one way is lectio divina, sacred reading.

First Loves

Why is the loss of passion for the Lord taken so lightly?

For God, losing our loving passion for His Son and His Kingdom is a major concern and we should repent!

Mountain on Your Right

Are you really trying to please God or yourself?

Rather than following the whims of culture, let's obey God's word.

God's Horizon

How far can you see?

A morning sunrise, the celebration of communion, and the God who is and was and is to come all connect to give us a sense of living on God's horizon.

The Inner Self

What are you doing for the inside?

We are so caught up in looking good and yet do so little to focus on what really makes us beautiful and fit!

Do Not Be Afraid!

So what is there to fear on the eve a brand new year?

When you least expect it, don't be afraid, God is revealing a new plan for your life.

Dark Night of the Soul

Do you want to find God in the dark night of the soul?

Sometimes the dark night of the soul is exactly what we need to experience to let go of what we need to jettison and grab ahold again of God.


What is your destiny?

God has a plan for each of us, a destiny, to use us for his glory.

Home for Christmas

Where is your real home?

We are not at home until we are home with God.

Holy, Please Hold the Adventure

Can we have the holy without the adventure?

We can't have the holy life without the adventure life because God uses the adventures to mold us and make us holy.

Planning Ahead

Are you making your plans or trying to live God's plan?

So often we make all these elaborate plans and never think of allowing God room in our busy schedules.

Is He Taking Your Picture?

Have you seen the flash lately?

God has a record of the things he has done through us in his family album.


WIll you give thanks, even for the leftovers?

We must never take for granted the great blessings we have been given by the hand of our gracious God!

The Cost of our Tickets

Who or what really is our God?

We show by our lifestyle and our choices if we really worship God or other gods.

Crazy Things Keep Happening to Me

Does crazy stuff happen to you?

Crazy things happen to all of us, but we can face them with joy because of God.

Whose Life Is It?

Do you see yourself in the story?

We can know we are saved by putting ourselves in the story of God's great deliverance.

Ripples of Kindness

What kind thing have you done today?

Kindness is a trait of God that we need to have and to share.

God Is

What is our hope in times of uncertainty?

Hope and help in times of trouble come from God who is ... always is.

Katrina: God's Wrath?

Was Katrina God's judgment on us for our sin as some have said?

Some people have wrongly ascertained that Katrina was proof of God's wrath on Amerca's fallen condition.

I Don't Know How It Feels

God knows how it feels, do you?

The storm comes and rages and destroys, do you know how that feels? God does!

Born and Adopted

How are you a part of God's family?

We are both born and adopted into God's family!

A Great Moment!

When's the last time you had a great moment with God?

God provides us with some incredible moments of grace and joy if we will notice them!

Approaching the Cross

Will you draw near?

Will we draw near to the cross and have our lives changed?