Fathers may not cry as much, but when they do, it is surely because they love you: and God loves you!
06/26/2005 by Patrick D. Odum
God is the father I never had.
06/14/2005 by Dr. Jeff Lee
God longs for us to come to him and receive his mercy and grace in our struggles and cast all our anxieties on him.
06/04/2005 by Gene Vance
We need to remember that when we assemble, God joins us and it is a holy moment.
06/03/2005 by Alan Smith
We need to look for God even in the worst of situatinos!
05/29/2005 by Rick Reynolds
A group of baby birds in a flower basket nest remind us of the key three things for all of us as week to take flight for God!
05/23/2005 by Phil Ware
While we know the will of God, we often do things our way instead of His way.
05/22/2005 by Tom Norvell
Sometimes it seems that we can't get through to God no matter how long we wait on him.
04/15/2005 by Alan Smith
God is calling us to be still, but he sometimes has to do radical things to get us to listen!
04/13/2005 by Kimberli J. Brackett
Be still, slow down, quit going at a break neck pace and know that God is God.
04/09/2005 by Joe Bagby
Entering a gate where the house is gone opens up our heart to the truth about our lasting home in heaven with God that Jesus has prepared for us.
03/23/2005 by Elizabeth Price
God's word is given to us to be a blessing and to give us a happy life.
03/06/2005 by Mike Barres
God's sacrifice of Jesus should amaze, humble, and change us.
02/26/2005 by Phil Ware
We get behind and stay behind because we don't pray.
02/15/2005 by Phil Ware
We need to let the word of God speak to us and not worry about applying it to everyone else.
02/11/2005 by Alan Smith
Taking a dog out for a walk proves to be a convicting moment about our stupidity in not staying close to God.
02/05/2005 by Russ Lawson
Wealth, money, can help with some things, but not everything!
02/01/2005 by Rubel Shelly
Sometimes we don't have answers, but we just have to keep on keepin' on trusting that God will be faithful and bring us home.
01/26/2005 by Patrick D. Odum
Some things we have to believe before we can see them!
01/25/2005 by Russ Lawson
The eternal part of us, our life, is hidden away with Christ in God and glory awaits.
01/24/2005 by Phil Ware
When we truly focus on God's word, it can come to life for us just like we can see the stars after our eyes get used to the darkness.
01/22/2005 by Elizabeth Price
No matter how we understand God's love, it is deeper than we can imagine.
01/14/2005 by Alan Smith
When we mess things up, we need to confess and say we're sorry and change our behaviors and our heart.
01/13/2005 by Russ Lawson
Wouldn't the world be a better place if we lived as each day were Christmas?
12/09/2004 by Joseph Mazella
We are God's children and that sense of identity should be crucial in our lives.
12/03/2004 by Alan Smith