Articles Tagged 'God' (Page 37)

It Isn't Over

When does this season end?

Some things come and go, but this one thing is always in season and this season never ends.

Standing in the Presence of God

Who do you see in the sunset's last light?

God's presence comes to us in many ways during the course of an average day; but are we looking for presence and to we respond with humility?

Loving God's Word

Do you truly love God's Word?

If we truly love God's Word, then we are going to let it be the crucial part of our lives each day by scheduling time to listen to and read from the Bible.

Love in Any Language

Can you communicate love across races, cultures, and language?

God communicated his love in a way that people of every language can understand: he did it through Jesus' death on the Cross.

Scrambled Eggs

What do we do when we can't unscramble our messes?

What do you do when you can't unscramble the messes you've made; you trust that God can mend them and you go on trying to live a redemptive life.

The Destruction Behind Remodeling

Could God be behind the destruction in your life?

Sometimes things have to be destroyed, pealed away, torn apart, and ripped out before they can be rebuilt by God.

Cloning the Son of God?

Surely this can't be done in the test tube or research laboratory?

Jesus is much more than his DNA: even this hoax can't begin to explain Jesus as God's Son.

He is "I Am"

How do we really help people with low self-esteem?

We are given remarkable freedom in Jesus; we can become like him.

Identity Theft?

Don't let Satan rob you of your identity in the Lord.

We are God's children; let's not let anything steal away our identity!

The Other Side

What lies on the other side of OUR death?

While we may not know exactly what is on the other side of our death, we know God is there and that is more than enough!

Be Still and Give Thanks to God

Can we be still and give thanks in our times of chaos?

God cares for us and beckons us to the quiet stillness to know he is in control and give us a chance to give him our thanksgiving.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!

What's in a Name?

What name do you go by?

God has given us a new name and a new identity to go with his purposes; let's not let the world stick us with any of our old names.

E.T. and Christ

Is there something out there? What would it mean if there were?

Scientists are forever searching the skies for alien life, but what does that mean to the Christian? Randy Becton shares his thoughts on extra-terrestrials, aliens, and God.

God's Amazing Majesty and Grace

Can we dare speak with such familiarity to our holy and majestic God?

God is both majestic and gracious; can we draw near to him as sinners with familiarity and tenderness?