Articles Tagged 'Good' (Page 2)

U-Turn to Walk in God's Will

Before we can be useful in living for God, we need to have our U-turn moment!

Phil Ware and James Nored look at what the ministry of John the Baptizer meant for people in his day and call on us to share in this move toward the kingdom of God today.

ToGather: Doing What is Good to All People (June 7, 2020)

We are committed to making Jesus' death, last words, and future vision real in our fellowship and our world, now!

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God to seek his help in our brokenness and challenge us to do good to all people as we have opportunity.

This Is Our Story, Too! (SOR 4.0)

The more most of us examine our past, the more we realize that our family tree is full of interesting stories that have shaped our identity.

James Nored shares about God's story through Abraham and David to Jesus and Phil Ware helps us understand the meaning of the story through the genealogy of Jesus.

In the Power of the Spirit

We live our lives where we place our focus!

Phil Ware reminds us that by focusing on Jesus and our need for Jesus to be the transforming presence in our lives the Holy Spirit transforms and conforms us to Jesus with increasing likeness.

Affirming Their Best and Not Giving Up in Their Stumbles

I can't help but believe that every time Peter heard a rooster crow, he also remembered the Lord's words of affirmation and assurance.

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus affirmed Peter's value and his return to useful service BEFORE Peter's stumbling denials by the fire.

Wonderfully Created

How are we to view ourselves and each other in this magnificent creation?

James Nored and Phil Ware look at Genesis 1 and the Bible's story of Creation and remind us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

To the Ends of the Earth

God uses the most amazing connections and people to fulfill his promises to bless all people!

James Nored and Phil Ware share Jesus' plan to reach all peoples, like the Ethiopian Nobleman and the people in the farthest reaches of the earth, with the goodness of grace.

U-Turn to Walk in God's Will

Before we can be useful in living for God, we need to have our U-turn moment!

Phil Ware and James Nored look at what the ministry of John the Baptizer meant for people in his day and call on us to share in this move toward the kingdom of God today.

Our New Chapter

My response is to recognize God’s greatness and grace in using me as an instrument and with confidence move into this pure, unspotted new chapter.

Jackie Halstead challenges us to take advantage of the New Year to begin writing a new chapter in our lives that brings grace to a world struggling with evil.

A Story That Must Be Told!

Regardless of our reasons in the past, let’s make sure we honor the Lord’s wishes in this circumstance and others like it.

Phil Ware continues his series of messages of how Jesus values women, focusing this week on the loving and extravagant gift of the unnamed woman who broke her alabaster jar and anointed Jesus with expensive perfume.

Living Simply?

The call to live simply and with contentment is not easy. I am not there, but I’m trying.

Tom Norvell encourages us not to grow weary in our battle to live simply so we can find true contentment.

A Pat on the Back

When we see one of these risk-takers and God-seekers, they deserve a Pat on the Back!

Max Lucado reminds us to give risk-takers, God-seekers, and hard-workers a pat on the back.


A hardened elite soldier in Rome's army comes face-to-face with the Son of God.

Phil Ware looks at the Centurions in the New Testament and reminds us that they often believed in Jesus.

Why I'm not Teaching My Three-Year-Old to Read

I remember being alarmed at her early disinterest in learning... or at least what we think of as learning.

Jordan Harrell shares wise words for moms on this Mother's Day reminding us what we should most value in our children.

Bat Turn at the Jordan

before we can be ready to be fully used by the Lord in the work of the kingdom of God, we must have our bat turn moment.

Phil Ware and James Nored look at what the ministry of John the Baptizer meant for people in his day and call on us to share in this move toward the kingdom of God today.

This is Our Story, Too!

We want our lives to be part of Jesus' story of redemption, and then we want to share that redemption with others!

Phil Ware and James Nored continue to share God's story of redemption and focus this week on Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham and David and the genealogy of Jesus that displays God's grace.

Sharing Good News

There's nothing more natural than sharing good news

We forget that the story of Jesus is good news, something that should be naturally shared with people we know.

Preparing Hearts for Jesus

The sequence of grace — serving before saving!

Phil Ware shares insight on the beginning of Mark's gospel and how salvation is preceded by service, serving comes before saving, and the gospel always begins with a servant.

Grace Comes After You!

Is there anywhere we can go to escape God's grace? I don't think so!

Max Lucado reminds us how God's grace pursues, comes after, and seeps into us if we allow it to flood over us.

I Doubt It: World Changers

Despite early Jewish opposition and later Roman persecution and martyrdom, their passion, conviction, and impact could not be stopped.

Phil Ware continues his series called 'I Doubt It' and focuses today on Jesus' call and promise that his eleven apostles and those that followed them would turn the world upside down with their message of good news and hope and grace.

Beautiful to Broken

Why reject the goodness of God and all he has done to choose our own way?

James Nored and Phil Ware continue helping us find our story in God's story, this time looking at the Fall.

Made Out of Love

Why in the world did the Creator make us and give us such a beautiful place to live?

James Nored and Phil Ware continue their series on Finding My Story in God's Story and listening to what the Bible says about our world, about us, and about where to find life.

Finding My Story in God's Story

Life's ultimate questions need answers. Do you know where to find them? Do you know how to share them? Do you know how your story fits into God's big picture?

James Nored begins to share his great video series on the Story of Redemption, entitled Finding Your Story in God's Story.

Another Perspective

Was 2016 a hard year? So how are you going to face 2017?

Byron Ware reminds us that even after a very hard year in 2016, we have good news to carry with us in 2017!

He Paid My Debt!

As children of our Father, we are called to live up to the God standard!

Phillip Morrison reminds us that we are saved by grace and God expects us to be gracious.