God gives us the chance to change the things we've done in the past, or at least make it as if we hadn't made the mistakes we did.
02/27/2008 by Tim Archer
I wish I was better at documenting my life. As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away. There are many solutions to this problem; some people are journal writers and have years of memorable
01/23/2008 by Skye Noe
This is what constantly amazes me about the efficiency with which God is able to solve our problems. It's not that I have any doubt concerning his power to create solutions; it's just amazing that he completes His plans using us! God is a master at solv
01/02/2008 by Skye Noe
I wonder sometimes if God feels the same way about the messages I send. I think about my prayer life and how often I address the message to Him but seem to only talk about me.
12/12/2007 by Skye Noe
Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to love ourself, properly care for ourselves and honor God by caring for his temple, if we are going to properly love others.
12/07/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Ron Rose reminds us that the best gifts are those we keep in circulation by sharing them with others.
12/06/2007 by Ron Rose
Paul Faulkner reminds us that God chose us, and still chooses us, every time for his team.
11/30/2007 by Paul Faulkner
No matter what evil spirits are present in this life, we know that God has given us a spirit that is stronger than all others. The message of God to this world is that God’s Holy Spirit is the only spirit worth celebrating, even on Halloween.
10/31/2007 by Skye Noe
We must never be willing to sacrifice the things we believe in to gain popularity, but we must find a way to become all things to all men, so that we may by all means save some.
10/03/2007 by Skye Noe
Our families are our greatest legacy. Our greatest prayer for them must be that they find the Lord.
09/12/2007 by Steve Ridgell
There are so many times in life that the world around me is full of confusing messages. It's hard to know which way to turn and it seems impossible to find my way. The good news is that as a Christian I have someone to clear the path ahead for me.
09/05/2007 by Skye Noe
Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.
08/13/2007 by Phil Ware
Paul Faulkner reminds us that Jesus turned things upside down adn stirred things up to bring God's blessings to others.
08/10/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Leah Adams remembers a friend who had gone to be with God and a song sung at her funeral that reminds us all the God longs to walk with us and talk with us and tell us we are his very own.
07/12/2007 by Leah Adams
Summertime is a great time of the year! There is nothing I enjoy more than spending a day at the swimming pool, having a cookout in the park, watching my favorite baseball team play late on a warm evening and watching the neighborhood kids play without th
07/11/2007 by Skye Noe
Despite common misconceptions, freedom is not granted by governments, nor won on a battlefield. True freedom comes from God and God alone.
07/04/2007 by Tim Archer
Tammy Marcelain shares about her return home to God and how it was a walk with Jesus that did it.
06/21/2007 by Tammy Marcelain
Jim Clark talks about his confidence in God's presence being based on the Father's faithfulness and not on the way he feels.
06/14/2007 by Jim Clark
Remembering the blood shed for our freedom, we must remember Jesus Christ.
05/23/2007 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware challenges us to re-look at how we define the day and when it begins by looking at Genesis 1 and the rhythm of creation and see that God has blessed us with rest before work.
05/21/2007 by Phil Ware
We mustn't let our feelings of inadequacy keep us from going to the One who can make us perfect.
05/09/2007 by Tim Archer
God can turn our worst nightmares into a way to find his blessing and be his blessing, if we can persevere and look for his presence.
05/04/2007 by Paul Faulkner
We can never be good enough on our own; it takes God's help to make us what we should be.
04/25/2007 by Steve Ridgell
None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.
04/11/2007 by Tim Archer
I have the greatest remote control anywhere. It is amazing what it can do with my television. If I miss something, I can replay it until I catch it, and then jump back into real time.
04/04/2007 by Steve Ridgell