Articles Tagged 'Grave'

What Happens When You Die — a Post Easter Meditation

He silently slipped out. Exited. Departed. He passed, not away, but on. Yet, on to where?

Max Lucado reminds us that Easter, Jesus' Resurrection Sunday, is not just about Jesus being raised, but our life beyond death!

I Doubt It: Never Die

Can Jesus really promise us that we will never die?

Phil Ware continues his "I Doubt It" series focused today on Jesus' promise to Mary that those who believe in him will never die.

He Wept!

When Jesus arrived, Lazarus’s sisters were grieving and disappointed.

Tom Norvell reminds us that Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus and the grief of his two sisters.

I Doubt It: Never Die

Can Jesus really promise us that we will never die?

Phil Ware continues his "I Doubt It" series focused today on Jesus' promise to Mary that those who believe in him will never die.

Hate Crime or Love Offering?

So what, or who, really put Jesus on the cross?

Phil Ware writes on this day after Palm Sunday about Jesus' ultimate destination in Jerusalem, with the triumphal entry, the conflict with the leaders, and his betrayal, death, and resurrection.

The Dirt, the Hole, the Tree, and the Question

Do I really believe this stuff?

Phil Ware shares another message in his Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain series, focusing on Abraham, Jesus, the dirt, the hole, the tree, and the question.

Dwell on These Things

So what occupies your thoughts and memories?

Russ Lawson had his share of tough things and hard roads growing up, but he chooses NOT to dwell on those things, but the positive ones.

Freedom from 'The Fear'

What do you most fear?

Phil Ware continues his 7 sayings of Jesus on the Cross with the meaning of the line today of "you will be with me in paradise" and talks about the hope it brings in the face of death.


How can we get out of those hard and fast ruts?

Mike Barres talks about his gravel driveway and how it gets full of ruts and how he goes about avoiding them and then he challenges us to avoid living in the ruts we have made in our churches and our lives.


When going home means giving a child a chance at life!

Phil Ware describes doing a funeral and a graveside for a good man and how it becomes the opportunity for good things to happen to children around the world.