Articles Tagged 'Grow' (Page 5)

Swept Clean

Does it do the job or does it simply make things look better for awhile?

We all need to deal with the real issue in our lives and not just the fake ones or the cosmetic ones.

Signs of a Dying Church?

How is your congregation doing?

So often good churches slip into bad habits and then begin to die: do you know the signs of a dying church?

Marriage Can Be a Lot of Work!

Marriage is made up of a lot things, but one of them is ...

Marriage requires effort and work, but it is worth it!

How Do You Measure Yourself?

How do you measure up?

While we can measure many things in many ways, there is only one way to measure a Christian -- by the standard of Jesus!

"Live and Learn"

How did you get so smart?

Faith is about experience learning, not just sitting in a pew and having church book learning.

When I Get Big ...

What do you want your boy to be when you grow up?

What do you want your boy to be when he grows up?

Inheritance Day

What are you looking to inherit?

What are we passing on to our children?

Want to Plant a Church?

Interested in church planting?

Four diferent approaches to church planting.

Dared to Hope

If only we would trust that the Lord can make us all grow!

We've got to believe that God can bring growth out of tough and impossible situations!

No Pain, No Gain

How does your shoulder feel?

Exercise can cause pain, but that pain is necessary to help us grow and see things more clearly.

Time Flies

How fast does your time go?

Life passes by so quickly, let's enjoy and savor today.