Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 29)


For us to be 'cruciformed' means that we offer our hearts to be reshaped to be like Jesus' heart. It means we offer ourselves to be used by God to bless and serve others.

Phil Ware begins a series on the central section of the Gospel of Mark that focuses on being "cruciformed" as the first step of being a disciple of Jesus.

C.S. Lewis and the Struggle to Find Faith

The final destination of our journey to faith often depends upon the orientation of our hearts.

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to look at C.S. Lewis and his journey of faith along with a broken-hearted father and see how we might be able to find faith in our own lives.

Glow in the Dark Spiders

Inevitably, the darkness will weigh on them, exhaust them, and feel altogether overwhelming to them. Then, they can come to the light to re-charge, but they can't glow in the light!

Jordan Harrell learned from her son's fascination with glow-in-the-dark spiders that we are made to shine in darkness, not sit under a light.

Don't Just Stand There

As our world sinks ever deeper into the abyss of division, evil, hatred, and violence, Jesus’ followers must do more than spout platitudes, post opinions, blame others, go to church, pray, and preach.

Phil Ware finishes his series called 8GHT and focusses on Jesus' command for us to quit standing around and doing nothing, but to go and do something to redeem our lost world.

Jesus' Power to Get It Done

We must not forget to punch that little red button and make sure the current of heaven’s grace and power flow to us and flow through us to the world.

Phil Ware continues his series called, 8GHT, focusing on eight principles out of Acts 1, today his focus is on the Holy Spirit being the power behind the early church.

A Family Without Borders

these ordinary people did the extraordinary: they lived Jesus’ words into reality.

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on sharing the message of Jesus with the world God loves.

The Revolutionary Power of Witnesses

Let’s be witnesses with those here, near, and far (Acts 1:8) like the first followers of Jesus did!

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on being witnesses of the great things Jesus has done.

When I Am Afraid

I’m thankful for the way the Lord teaches me about his character through the pitter patter of those little feet.

Jordan Harrell reminds us of the comfort we find in the times of our darkness are tied to the amount of time we have sought to have a path to the Father when we are in the light.

All Seekers Welcomed Here!

In the Bible, sometimes a person's name was changed because of something that person did or because of something that God was going to do through that person.

Phil Ware continues his series called 8GT -- Eight Truths that Turned the World Upside Down.

All About Jesus

Behind every move made by disciples in the book of Acts, Jesus was the mover!

Phil Ware continues his series called 8GHT -- Eight Truths that Turned the World Upside Down! from Acts 1:1-11, this week focusing on Jesus as the Message, Motive, Model, and Mover in the early days of the church.

Our New Chapter

My response is to recognize God’s greatness and grace in using me as an instrument and with confidence move into this pure, unspotted new chapter.

Jackie Halstead challenges us to take advantage of the New Year to begin writing a new chapter in our lives that brings grace to a world struggling with evil.

Jesus Isn't Finished with Us Yet!

Behind every act of power in Acts, we see Jesus at work, guiding his followers and providing his strength for them to do what he asked of them.

Phil Ware begins an eight-part series on eight truths that turned the world upside down, a look at the early verses of the book of Acts.

Beginning in Endings: End of Years, Rebirth of Joy!

How could we have this completely wrong?

Phil Ware concludes his end of the year series called Beginning in Endings by talking about Anna and Simeon from Luke 2 and what they should teach us about aging and what to expect as we grow older.

Christmas Ends Where It Begins

12 days of Christmas are not about calling birds and lords a leaping, but about an extended celebration of Christmas.

Phillip Morrison reminds us that the Magi, the Wise Men, came later on after Jesus was older; but rather than this putting a damper on our Christmas, we need to use this truth to extend our Christmas past the first of the year.

What I Don't Remember about Christmas

Jesus picked this beginning because he knew our idols would someday reek of perfectionism and opulence, of measuring up and looking the part, of vanity.

Jordan shares this powerful post that was highlighted on The Today Show with our audience.

A Labor of Love

Jesus' birth was the collision of the gloriously divine and mundanely human. It was God entering our world through the birth canal of a woman.

Phil Ware shares some thoughts on what incarnation means as the collision of mortality and eternal, God in human flesh.

Far Beyond the Monotony of Low Expectations

Advent is rooted in the work of God in history through real people to do the miraculous in the most human of things, the birth of a child.

Phil Ware reminds us to celebrate Advent and not simply settle for Christmas.

Prepare Him Room

'Prepare Him room': Inviting Jesus to reign in our hearts is how the strange beginning of the Gospel of Mark fits into the Advent season.

Phil Ware shares how Mark's gospel, which doesn't even mention the birth of Jesus, fits into the Advent season.

More than the Outskirts of His Ways

If there is a God and he's out there, why doesn't he just get it over with and show himself to us? Why this need for faith?

Phil Ware and James Nored share in word and video an idea about how we can truly understand God's greatness, glory, and grace even though we cannot understand everything about him.

Little Miracles

How a bunch of poor, but precious homeless people minister to their minister in Brazil.

Dennis Downing writes about Church on the Streets and a special morning worship service when the minister receives the ministry of the people he came to serve.

How Full Is Your Gift Sack?

Most of us only hoped to get enough of these seasons’ “givings” in our sacks not to be embarrassed, humiliated and marked as a less than desirable.

Phil Ware asks us to remember all the people who joined Jesus at his birth and challenges us to believe that these are exactly the kind of people Jesus came to redeem -- people just like us!

Jesus Came to Be One of Us!

We desperately need to push past the glitz of the season and remember the gritty grace of the manger and the glory of God incarnate in a helpless baby who came to be one of us!

James and Phil continue their series on The Story of Redemption by focusing on the birth of Jesus and what it means for us.

On Tiptoes with Angels

Christmas, like the coming of Jesus, is about waiting!

Phil Ware begins a five-part series on Jesus at Christmas. This week is focused on waiting for Jesus to come.

A Time for Giving Thanks!

On this day when many pause with their families to give thanks to God, let’s remember what the LORD God has done to bless us!

Phil Ware reminds us to give thanks for all of our blessings!

A Day of Thanksgiving!

In hard times or times of blessing, we are never without thankfulness

How is it that all the Thanksgiving Day’s of my past had come and I had forgotten to actually give thanks? Then I realized just how long of a list I was going to have!