Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 56)

Building a Culture of Honor: Prayer

Prayer changes something much more important than our circumstances!

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor focusing this week on prayer, especially prayer as a redemptive tool of offering forgiveness and blessing to those who are our enemies and who mistreat us.


Is your treasure safe?

Treasure in this world can be stolen or lost. Treasure with God is safe forever.

Rules for Building a Snowman?

So there are actually rules for this?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the keys to following Jesus by pulling our leg about a bunch of rules for building a snowman.

A little Bit of Mission Stubbornness

Can we have a dash of stubborness in our mission stew?

Greg Anderson completes the series on seasons in the life of a church and its vision, mission, and focus.

Yardsticks: How the hidden Dangers of Comparison Are Killing Us and Our Daughters

Have we turned our yardsticks into swords?

Ann Voskamp reminds women and their daughters about the dangers of comparison and how it belittles the work of God going on in each person we see.

The Communication Illusion

So has communication really taken place?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance and fragile danger of communication in organizations, businesses, families, and churches because communication doesn't happen until someone hears and understands, not just when someone says something.

Where Am I on the List?

We all want to know where we rank compared to everyone else. So what about God? Does he have a list?

The problem with making a list of who is most likely to get to heaven is that we compare ourselves to other men and not to God.

Building a Culture of Honor: Affirmation

Where do we begin to change the cynicism and negativity we bring into our families, workplaces, and churches?

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor focusing on affirmation.

Time to Re-prime?

Can a declining church embrace a new mission?

Phil Ware continues the Interim Ministry Partners series on helping declining and aging churches find new life.

Pool of Mercy

Have you offered sight to the blind?

Cathy Messecar draws us into the story of the man born blind that was healed by Jesus in John 9 and reminds us that we are here to continue Jesus' ministry of healing and mercy.

I just Want Someone to Love Me Forever

Isn't this what every child has a right to expect?

Rubel Shelly talks about Davion Navar Henry Only and his search for his mother and a forever family who will love him unconditionally.

Building a Culture of Honor: Introduction

Can we build a culture of honor in a world that has a different set of values?

Phil Ware begins a series on building a culture of honor using Romans 12 as the basis and foundation of the study.

Bill Knapp's Keeps Me up at Night

How can an out of business restaurant speak to churches?

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares a powerful parable about Bill Knapp's restaurants and America's quick fix mentality about the North American church and its troubles.

When You're Missing Being Loved

Sometimes we don't see that love is defined by surprise and sacrifice.

Ann Voskamp talks about this year's wheat harvest and how it reminds her of God's grace and message of love when she was once in France and how communion is about love and love is about sacrifice.

Home on the Range

Don't you long for a place with no discouraging words!

Tom Norvell reminds us of the power of encouraging and discouraging words and how we need to make the place where we find ourselves home on the range.

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

Why do you do the things you do?

People look at the outside; God examines the heart. Rather than trying to impress those around you, put your time and effort into doing the things that God would have you do. Don't do it to try and get something in return; make pleasing God your goal.

Sighing for Home

How do we deal with the longing?

Phil Ware continues his thoughts on the Immanuel passages in Matthew and challenges us to not settle for less than an experience of God -- Father, Son or Holy Spirit -- and not simply religious experience.

Seasons in the Life of a Congregation

Are congregations supposed to go through a lifecycle.

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by the partners at Interim Ministry Partners, on the seasons in the life of a church.

The Real Love Stories... and Why There Really Are No Blurred Lines

So where can we find real love stories today?

Ann Voskamp writes about the love she shares with her farmer husband and how he loves her with real love.

A Grieving Family's Courage

How can there be hope in such heartbreak?

Rubel Shelly share insight into Rick and Kay Warren's interview on Piers Morgan about their son Matthew whose mental illness led him to commit suicide.

Life Is Hard and Then You Die

Our world thinks this is tough news. We think it is good news.

We live in a hard world and then we die. The world sees this as bad news getting worse. The Christian sees it as bad news getting better.

With You Always

Can I really know and experience Jesus in my daily life?

Phil Ware does part 4 of a 5 part series on experiencing Jesus' presence from the gospel of Matthew, focusing on the Great Commission and Jesus' promise to be present.

What's Missing from the North American Church?

Why is it so hard for us to get this one key point?

Scot McKnight shares some things on his heart about Scripture, the Bible, and how we have misplaced it as the Church and forgotten to listen to God speak through His Word.

Be Sure to Read the Whole Book!

So why mess with the Old Testament anyway?

Rubel Shelly shares insight on the whole Bible and our need to read the whole Bible, not just the New Testament.

This Treasure Is up for Grabs

Treasure among all the garbage?

Ron Rose writes about the good things he used to find in the garbage dump and how there are special surprises and treasures that he found along the way and how we can do the same thing with people if we are willing to get messy.