Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 64)

Learn to Be a Good Neighbor and Change Your Community!

What does it mean to be a good neighbor?

Rick Brown writes about a group of ministers and pastors in Denver who got together to try to bless their community by calling their people to be good neighbors.

The Grace that Brought Us Jesus

So why is Ruth so important in the overall scheme of things?

Phil Ware continues his journey through The Story and this week finds us in the book of Ruth and the story about the faith of a foreign woman.

Civil Discourse

While we're railing at the candidates, how about we take a look in the mirror?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that it isn't just the politicians who use harsh and unfair speech.

The Swirly Cycle of Destruction

Which way does your toilet flush?

Phil Ware continues his journey through The Story focusing this week on the Judges, especially the cycle of destruction that was leading them to catastrophe and the ways we can escape the cycle.

Sitting in the Hen House Doesn't Make You a Chicken

Just like sitting in the hen house does not make you a Christian, sitting in the church house does not make you a Christian.

Church is about so much more than just showing up. It is about being with God.

Tyrannized by Our Feelings

Are you enslaved by your emotions?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we don't have to be ruled, enslaved, and tyrannized by our feelings, but our emotions can be channeled and overcome by the power of commitment, the Holy Spirit, and love.

We Felt like Grasshoppers

Who pays the highest price for our lack of faith?

Phil Ware continues his series from The Story as he shares with us the challenges of taking the new land and the price paid for the lack of faithfulness and leadership and vision on the part of the generation that would not enter the land because of fear.

Known by God

Who really knows you?

We want to be known by God so that we can be included in His family and live in heaven with Him. While God is our creator, you must choose to obey Him and get close to Him, that's how you are known by God.

Caught between Glory and Grumbling

How in the world did Moses lead in this mess?

Phil Ware continues his series based on The Story and focuses on Moses' leadership and his position as the go between for God in all his glory and the constantly grumbling Israelites!

What Do You Learn from the Darkness

When life is tough, how does faith really help?

Ron Rose writes about hard times and hospital visits and Job and Israel and what we do with the darkness we find ourselves in.

Love Is Not a Brick

Who would go first among the religions in showing honor to the other?

Rubel Shelly talks about world religions, love, respect, honor, and violence.

Jesse's Visit with Jesus

What happens when Jesus comes to visit?

Phil Ware uses a story narrative to remind us what it means to live God's will and fulfill the 10 Commandments.

Learning to Live the Life God Blesses

So how does this all fit with prayer?

Rick Brown leads us to see prayer in a fresh way, but also the way of Jesus.

Faith and Traffic Lights

What does my faith have to do with how I drive?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our character and our faith are reflected as much by how we drive as how we go to church.

You Want to Use Me?

I know who I am, so how can God use?

Phil Ware continues his use of The Story material and focuses on God calling Moses.

Getting Clear about Holiness

It's a whole lot more than a list of don'ts!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that holiness is not just what we avoid, but what we do to bless and redeem.

The Latest Thing

It's new! Improved!

It's easy to want what everyone else is getting. But it's also very, very dangerous. God can help you learn to be happy with what you have.

More than just a Bag of Bones

What's left when it's all over?

Phil Ware stays with The Story theme and reminds us again of Joseph and his faithfulness.

I Know too many Hypocrites

Hypocrisy is often cited as a reason not to follow Jesus. It is just not true.

Hypocrites say one thing while intending to do another. That is not what Christians do.

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

What happened to Jesus' promise?

Ron Rose writes about unanswered prayers and letting God find us and us having conversations with our heavenly Father.

Moments of Decision

What will we do when the choice is ours and the moment comes?

Phil Ware continues his series connected to The Story, this week from Chapter 3, focusing on Joseph and his temptation with Potiphar's wife.

Overcoming Your Heritage

What's up in the forest of your family trees?

Max Lucado writes about Josiah and how he overcame the bad family heritage.

No App for That

Is there REALLY an app for that?

Nothing replaces reading God's Word.

To Tell the Truth

Does truth matter to us much these days?

Rubel Shelly addresses the issues of honesty and integrity and the importance of telling the truth and the sin against each other and ourselves when we lie and do not tell the truth.


What do we do in the face of evil and meanness?

Phil Ware continues his series of messages related to "The Story" curriculum, using Abraham's call to be a blessing to be a reminder to us as well.