Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 75)

A Walk with Our Shepherd

What does it really mean for us?

This is a simple meditation on the meaning of the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23.

Relationships Are Worth the Effort

Excellence in every area of life means relationships, too!

Rubel Shelly calls us to excellence, but reminds us that this must be true in every area of life, including our relationships.

SH!FT my Life: LIVE_holy

What is my life really about?

Phil Ware continues his series on Shift My Life and talks about what it means to live holy!

From Surviving to Thriving

My life has been forever changed — and thankfully, so has Edison's.

The Child Survival Program from Compassion International is making great strides for mothers and babies in Ecuador.

Compassionate People

Compassion employees are actually compassionate people, too.

I never imagined to be so deeply moved by another group of people: the employees of Compassion.

A Fork in My Path

...make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me.

Ben Steed chronicles his trip with Compassion International to Ecuador.

Light for the Dark Places

What's shining in that darkness?

Rubel Shelly talks about how important it is for us to be light for the dark places of our world.

From Drift to Shift

Where are you going to end up when you get there?

Phil Ware begins a series called shift and warns about the dangers of drifting with culture and losing our way.


What kind of dreams do you dream?

Russ Lawson challenges us to think about the dreams we dream and then go to work to make them happen.

Tell Them How Much!

So what do we do now that we've left the table?

Phil Ware begins his series on God's Riches for Us at the Table of the Lord and reminds us that we are called to share with those close to us what the Lord has done for us.

God Even Uses Cowards

Even a coward is a mighty warrior in God's hands

The story of Gideon shows us that God can take imperfect people and use them in great ways.

Sometimes Some Things Don't Change

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

Tom Norvell reminds us that there are many things in our lives that may not change, so in those times we need to be sure and lean on the Lord and trust in his grace to sustain us.

Connect to the Power Source

What I learned about powerful living from an electric razor.

If you connect to the correct power source, you can live a life full of hope, purpuse, and power.

Play Misty for Me

What does the mist look like in your life?

Patrick Odum reminds us of the mistiness of life and reminds us to live with a sense of urgency and also anticipation of resurrection and joy.

Learn to Put the Big Rocks on Your Calendar First

What goes down on your calendar first this year?

Rick Brown reminds us of what the big rocks, the big things, are in our lives to ourselves and to God.

Last Lights on the Tree

With the Christmas lights reflection, what do you remember?

Phil Ware looks at the reflection of the Christmas tree lights in his quiet and darkened house and reflects on the grace God has brought into his life this past year.

Something Fresh

Don't you want more than something new?

Katha Winther shares insights on the New Year, fresh starts, and God's work of salvation in us!

Joy to the World!

With the birth of Jesus, we enter a gritty world that we know is our own.

Phil Ware continues his series called When Spirit Becomes Flesh and he focuses on the grit and real world feel of the birth stories and also the joy that comes from Jesus' birth.

Winter Wonderland

Is it too late to keep them from stealing away your wonder?

Rick Brown writes about a rare snowfall in Houston and how the wonder of it all, then the reality and boredom of it all, parallel the sense of wonder we have with Jesus.

Touched by an Angel

Have you received or given this touch?

Ron Rose talks about the angels and holy moments in our lives and calls us to recognize them and be them for those who need a touch of God's grace.

Communion and Christmas

What does all of this mean ... to you and me ... today?

Danny Sims shares insights into what God is saying in Jesus using the Communion we share at Christmas.

Heaven's Light

Can you find that light that chases away the shadows?

Phil Ware continues his series on When Spirit Becomes Flesh and talks about Jesus as heaven's light.

Lies I Like

We want to beleive the lies that let us do what we want.

Satan feeds us lies that let us feel good about doing what we really wanted to do all along.

Beyond Understanding

What do you do with what you cannot fully fathom?

Bill Sherrill comes along and gives us a reminder and a dose of humility so that we can understand that God is beyond our ability to comprehend.

Christmas Tranquility?

The scene looks calm and bright, but what if my life doesn't?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas is about God getting involved in our messy world with us.