Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 89)

In God We Still Trust

You may not be Moses, but isn't God still God?

Russ Lawson shares a story of remarkable faith and the line, I am not Moses, but God is still Jehovah.

A Churchy Word

So what does repentance mean, anyway?

Repentance is more than feeling sorry about sin. It's a change, a change of mind that brings about a change in life.

Wrong Road, Right Friend

Are you walking down the hard road alone?

Phil Ware continues to share his insights on experiencing Jesus as Immanuel.

Compliment Guys

Now aren't you nice!?

Patrick Odum shares about the compliment guys and how they bless people and how we can, too.

And the Cure Is ...

What can help us get over us?

Ron Rose reminds us that the way we come together in unity and the way we put ourselves in perspective is found by humbly praising Jesus.

Beyond the Mirror

When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Phil Ware challenges us to look beyond the cosmetic image we see in the mirror and view ourselves as God does.

Big Fish and Lost Worms

God sent his Son to where we were.

Jesus did the difficult thing when he left heaven and came to earth. He did it because that was where we were.

True Peace

What happens after I leave the calm place?

Bill Sherrill shares about finding a quiet space where he can share in the joy and blessing of the Lord's peace, but he also talks about the times and places the Lord blesses him in the middle of terror, storm, and fear.

Figuring Out the Future

So what's going to happen with all this mess?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what we need to hold onto during these uncertain times as we try to anticipate the future.

Time for Some Faith Tracking

Can you see how the Lord has guided your path?

Rose Rose carefully and respectfully challenges us to launch out in faith and see the great promises gives to us.


Is this really a situation that demands a 911 call?

Patrick Odum tells about a woman who didn't get her chicken McNuggets and called 911 three times to report it because she thought the situation was an emergency.

Only a Keystroke Away

Are our emails, IM's, and text messages really enough?

Russ Lawson talks about the the blessings of our high tech communication, cyberspace-style communication, and challenges us to face-to-face encouragement.

Love Path 911: Can We Have a Good Marriage?

After all that has happened, can we have a good marriage?

Joe Beam answers the reader's question about having a good marriage again after all the hurt and sinfulness?


So what are you going to hang on to during the

Rubel Shelly uses an acronym and a website to remind us that it is going to be okay.

Last Thoughts or Long Commitments?

Would Timothy make it, and if he did, would he be faithful?

Phil Ware uses Timothy's release from prison to be an opportunity to look at how we are to live in a culture opposed to Christianity.

Full Disclosure

Would you have come clean?

Mike Barres holds himself accountable for telling the truth, the full truth, and not deceiving others when it is in his best interest.


Where are you going to park in Chicago anyway?

Patrick Odum uses a humorous tradition in Chicago about reserving parking spaces after the snow plow passes and compares it to the year of Jubilee in the Old Testament.

Uncommon Wisdom

Joy in trials and the expansion of influence in times like these? YES!

Alan Garner describes a prayer and exhortation he gave at the Volunteers of America meeting and how wisdom and opportunity can be found in caring for the trials and troubles of those around us.

How Will We Survive?

If your world crashes in around you, how will you make it?

Rick Reynolds shares solid advice on how to survive an affair.

Promoted to Heaven

Promotion Day is coming!

Death is just another stage in our journey to heaven; it's like Promotion Day at Sunday School. You're just moving on to something better

Maybe It Isn't Dead Yet

When is losing not such a big deal?

Rubel Shelly describes a rare but beautiful story of sportsmanship that helps us prepare for March madness.

The Unmentioned Essentials

Do you notice the folks around you who are the true heroes?

Phil Ware shares about two people passing from life and how their quiet lives of service were essential to the work of God's Kingdom.

From 'Now What?' to 'What's Next?'

Why do we keep getting up?

Ron Rose talks about getting up after we have fallen down again and again, and keep on going.


Can we grow the gift of faith?

Tammy Marcelain writes about believing, trust, and God using our struggles, weaknesses, and trials to make us people of faith.

Step into the Water

Isn't it time to get off the bank and step into the water?

Russ Lawson uses the Israelite's crossing of the Jordan River at flood stage to be a reminder that God is waiting for us to step out in faith so he can act in our lives.