Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 92)

Drawing Nearer

Can we really know God?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on knowing God and being drawn into a relationship with Him.

Make a Faith Choice

When the world caves in, do you make a faith choice?

Ron Rose talks about a couple that loses everything beside faith and then finds an opportunity to influence others for God.

Beyond the Call of Duty

Are you above the law?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of another way to be like Jesus and be above the law in a good way.

Holiday Hangover

Got that sinking feeling now that Christmas is past?

Sarah Stirman reflects on the holiday blues, the ending of Christmas, and the extravagance and expense of the holiday, both modern and old.

What a Way to Start the New Year!

What do you do when you are locked out of everything?

Russ Lawson writes to remind us about God's work in our lives even when things are crazy and feel out of control.

Is It Really Over?

So what do you do now that it has come to an end?

Tom Norvell looks at how the disciples must have felt right after Jesus' death and then talks about a year ending and the New Year beginning.

Star Bright

What difference does one twinkling star really make?

Phil Ware reflects upon the star the Magi saw and puts it in its context of astrologers from Iran who recognized Jesus as King of the Jews and the religious leaders among the Jews who tried to kill him.

Having a Merry Christmas?

So is it really merry and bright?

Tony Thompson helps us put Christmas in perspective: God loves us!

Room at the Manger

Have you seen His star?

Patrick Odum reflects on a Matthews who is a scientist who determined the star when Jesus was born and reminds us that it is not the star, but the one to whom it pointed, that is important.

Baby. God.

A different, staccato take on the whole event!

Danny Sims gives us a staccato version of the birth of Jesus and the following narratives about His first trip to the Temple.

I Want Christmas Year Round

Christmas is a reflection of my life as a Christian.

The things that make Christmas so special are available to the Christian all year long.

It's Almost Time ...

Are you ready for the big day to arrive?

Tom Norvell describes what it is like to be ready for Christmas on Christmas eve and wonders what it was like for God on the eve of His Son's birth into the world.

What Christmas Teaches

Can you escape the traps?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas can be a time where we escape the realities of the world and rejoice.

The Smell of Sheep

What did it smell like at the manger?

Phil Ware talks about the significance of shepherds being found at the manger of Jesus.

A Time of w00t

Can you find the joy right now?

Ron Rose shares a new word, w00t, that means joy in gamer language, that has entered our common communication language.

Be Not Afraid

How can we not be afraid in times like this?

Russ Lawson reminds us that even during these troubling times that God is at work to take care of us.

Christmas Is Near

So what do you celebrate during the holiday season?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that if we celebrate a holiday, we should do it to honor the Lord.

Lord and Christ

Jesus must be more than just a Savior!

Mike Barres rejoices in the birth of Jesus as our Savior, but also reminds us that He must also be our Lord!

The Grinch that Stole Mommy

How do I order that talking gnome?

Jenny Runkel admits that Christmas really stresses her out and she finds a way to cope.

On Tiptoe with Angels

How do you look over the horizon of history and see God's greatest promise fulfilled?

Phil Ware uses the story of the angels in Luke chapters 1 and 2 to remind us that Jesus' birth is something that should amaze us!

A Step

Remember, it is a beginning!

Tom Norvell reminds us that a step in the right direction is a good beginning.

How Do We Measure Success?

What is your unit of measurement?

Bill Sherrill challenges us to judge our success based on our hearts and our service.

How Less Becomes More

How in the world does having less mean having more?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even in a season when folks have less than they are used to having, if they look they will actually find that they have more.

Putting Up Christmas Lights

Have you got your strings of light hung yet?

Rob Frazier writes about why he puts up Christmas lights and how each of us has some light to share with others.

Peace Like a River

Horatio Spafford knew about the storms of life

The story of Horatio Spafford and his great hymn "When Peace Like a River" still inspires and encourages all of us who suffer.