Articles Tagged 'H' (Page 98)

At Just the Right Time!

What time is it in your life?

Tom Norvell reminds us that God saved us through grace in Jesus at just the right time and has intervened in our lives at just the right time over and over again.

The Power of Hope

Don't underestimate the power of hope

Hope can give us the power to overcome illness, change our lives and face whatever this life may bring. Hope needs a foundation, and only God gives an eternal foundation.

Shout for Joy!

Why should I rejoice when things are not going well?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we've got to look past our own failures and low view of our own importance and learn to rejoice because we are each a child of the King.

Freedom from 'The Fear'

What do you most fear?

Phil Ware continues his 7 sayings of Jesus on the Cross with the meaning of the line today of "you will be with me in paradise" and talks about the hope it brings in the face of death.

Donkeys Kicking, Sharks Attacking, Airplanes Falling

What do donkeys, sharks, and airplanes have in common?

Russ Lawson reminds us to check out what we are told from Scripture, because just like made up statistics, the facts are not always what is presented to us.

God Gets Mad

If it makes God mad, shouldn't we get angry, too?

Rubel Shelly reminds that God hates and gets angry at evil and calls us to be stirred to anger and action.


When's the last time you let them know you were thinking of them?

Mike Barres reminds us to be thoughtful to others and one way to do that is to remember those who have been thoughtful to us.

I Don't Like Hospitals

I want hospitals to have a “sick” wing and a “you’re really not sick” wing.

Churches are spiritual hospitals full of those who need spiritual healing ... and that includes all of us.


How can we get out of those hard and fast ruts?

Mike Barres talks about his gravel driveway and how it gets full of ruts and how he goes about avoiding them and then he challenges us to avoid living in the ruts we have made in our churches and our lives.

True Freedom?

How much stuff makes us free?

Paul Faulkner talks about how possessions seem to take over our lives and own us.


A biblical reminder of our ultimate freedom.

This is simply quoting Hebrews 2:14-18 about freedom from death's tyrranny.

Set Free

Where can I find true freedom?

Tom Norvell thinks about July 4th and reminds us that freedom is found in Jesus.

Declaration of Dependence

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to state deliberately and unequivocally the basis for one’s belief, a person, an organization, a nation, or people must make a Declaration.

Going Home

Where will I be when I finally realize that I'm home?

Sarah Stirman talks about the funeral for her grandfather and it reminds her where her real home is.

Independence Day

How often do you celebrate it?

Phil Ware shares with us the real meaning of Independence Day and how we can celebrate it every week.

Who Thanks God for This?

How can you see so clearly when your eyes have no sight?

Bill Sherrill talks about Fanny J. Crosby, the great Christian song writer, and her ability to see acutely even though she was blind.

Based on an Idea of Mine

What is your major accomplishment?

Alan Smith tells us of the developer of the laser and how he doesn't claim any sense of achievement because he wasn't the one who designed the ultimate final use.

Faith: Growing in the Right Direction

So where is your faith growing?

Russ Lawson reminds us that our faith needs to keep growing and going in the direction of faith, believe but help my unbelief.

Your Ambition

What is your ambition in life?

Tom Norvell shares with us some insights from 1 Thessalonians and how to life a quiet life and honor God and win the hearts of outsiders.

Becoming a Citizen

What's the easiest way to become a citizen?

The only way to become a citizen in God's kingdom is to be born a second time, born of water and God's Holy Spirit.

The Comma Makes All the Difference

How do you punctuate your life and walk with God?

Ron Rose talks about where we find our significance and comfort in life, God or false substitutes.

How to Survive a Bear Attack

This is no joking matter when you are in the bear's woods!

Phil Ware talks about bear attacks in Alaska and also how Satan attacks us and reminds us that Jesus is our assurance that we are never alone when we are attacked and he has worked to defend us.

In the Cool of the Day

Where are you trying to hide?

Tom Norvell compares being in his yard and garden in the cool of the day and the words of Genesis 3 and God's desire to be with us and give us rest.

The Coriolis Effect on the Heart

How far have you been deflected away from your goals and dreams?

Lisa Mikitarian examines how we often get driven off course in life and how we are going to do something about it.

The Frantic Pursuit of Rest

Why does it seem to get farther away while we run faster to chase it?

Bill Sherrill talks about our rush to rush into everything and how we need to read God's Book about life and how to experience it.