Articles Tagged 'Hall' (Page 5)

How Is Your Faith Resume?

What does your life story say about you?

Our lives tell a story of faith, we need to know what our faith resume actually is.`

39 Years ... Plus One

What's happening in your world when you turn forty?

A simple anniversary celebration for the 39th anniversary leads a husband to reflect on his adventure with his wife!

A Lighthouse

Can you see the light from where you are?

Jesus is our lighthouse, the light in the darkness sent to guide us safely home.

The Code Breaker

Can we really break the code?

While there is much ado about the Da Vinci code, the real proof of Christianity's vitality and truth to the younger generation will be seen our living of the truth of Jesus.

Personal Mountains

How can we overcome the problems in our lives?

Life is filled with problems and some don't go away with just a prayer so we have to find a way to get past it.

A Coach's Choice

Would you have given a boy with these struggles a chance?

Thank God for those who give others in unfortunate situations a chance to succeed.

Our Safety Net

Jesus calls us to the future, not to fear.

safety net, net, rescue, Jesus, servant of God

Here Comes Santa Claus

When was the last time you played this part?

Getting a chance to play Santa Claus opens up a deep joy and a reminder that we need to be Jesus to those around us.

How Faith Can Begin with Fear

You mean God would get me into that kind of mess?

God can get us in some tough scrapes because he wants to develop faith and comfort in us.

Survival Life

How can we be the ultimate survivor?

We are all in a battle for survivor, but God can help us through.

The Challenge to Just Be

Can you resist the urge to be in motion all the time?

So often, we try to face every challenge rather than to rest in the peace of the Lord's victory and just be.

A Little Rain Must Fall

How wet is it in your world?

Sometimes we face difficulties and trials, but the big challenge is bearing up under the weight of incessant trials, problems, difficulties.

Haunted House

Jesus talked about a haunted house?

Don't simply get rid of evil, but fill your life with goodness!

Cleaning Up Our Father's Messes

What will our children have to clean up after we are gone?

We will leave behind messes for our children and grandchildren, but will we also leave behind a lasting legacy of faith?