Articles Tagged 'Hand' (Page 2)

SH!FT: PRAY_passionately

Can we really be honest with God and reverent, too?

Phil Ware continues his shift series with a message on prayer and about being real before God.

In the Good Hands of God

He can do far more than our worry can ever do!

Bill Sherrill talks about bad news about his heart and he begins to worry until he remembers what Jesus said!

Unrestrained Joy

When's the last time you jumped up and down for joy?

Tom Norvell talks about a returning soldier being greeted by unrestrained joy by his wife and children and asked when was the last time you did that with God.

Shown Alive by the Scars

Why were the scars so important to the early disciples' faith?

Phil Ware looks at Jesus' showing his disciples the scars on his hands and side to prove he was alive, resurrected from the dead.

The Unmentioned Essentials

Do you notice the folks around you who are the true heroes?

Phil Ware shares about two people passing from life and how their quiet lives of service were essential to the work of God's Kingdom.

Better than the Super Bowl

Why would you cheer against your own team?

Rubel Shelly describes a better football game than the Super Bowl with the Arizona Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers, and this was between two high school teams, Grapevine Faith Christian and Gainesville State.

The Lord Is Great!

Have you told other generations this glorious truth?

Tom Norvell reflects on the greatness of God inspired by Psalm 145.

Facing Life's Uh-oh's

What do you do when the problems come?

Ron Rose writes about life's obstacles and challenges us to follow the example of others who have lived beyond their limits.

Long Fire

Is the flame still alive for your?

Ann Voskamp is reminded of a night where love was first ignited and how it still burns brightly, even in the most mundane moments of life.

Handicapped and His Glory

How can a crippling situation or handicap actually be an open door for the Savior?

Sarah Stirman has reason to reflect on being crippled or handicapped and being useful to God.

Who Thanks God for This?

How can you see so clearly when your eyes have no sight?

Bill Sherrill talks about Fanny J. Crosby, the great Christian song writer, and her ability to see acutely even though she was blind.

Content with the Patriots

Would you wear the castoffs of the losers?

Patrick Odum describes what happened to the Patriot SuperBowl championship jerseys that were going to be thrown away because they lost, and challenges us to give more than our throw aways to the poor of the world.

Love Letters

How well do you remember the letters written to you?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that God has written us several love letters, but how badly do we want to read them?

In the Shadow of God

How has God made your child?

Lisa Mikitarian shares a story about her husband being a builder and how God wires some to be builders themselves.


Have you worn your cousin's best?

Mary Anne Brannon shares memories of her childhood and the hand-me-downs and hand sewn clothes from her mother that were all made with love.

Let's Go Somewhere Else

Why would Jesus leave someone behind?

Phil Ware talks about spending time in communion with God so that we can know best how to respond to those who need compassion and yet help us keep to our mission.

The Prayer of an Angel

Would you come to the party and let him pray with you?

A surprising visit from Eddie at a coffee shop completes the Jesus Party weekend and opens the door for an angel to pray at church.

Clay or Collectible

Can we ever be more than a lump of clay or a collection of dust?

Article on the transformation God can do in our lives changing us from a lump of clay into an object of beauty and usefulness.


Do you sometimes feel useless?

No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!

Hold to His Hand

Whose hand do you hold when things get tough?

In the middle of our struggles, we need to remember that we need to reach out for God's unchanging hand.

A Coach's Choice

Would you have given a boy with these struggles a chance?

Thank God for those who give others in unfortunate situations a chance to succeed.

Here Comes Santa Claus

When was the last time you played this part?

Getting a chance to play Santa Claus opens up a deep joy and a reminder that we need to be Jesus to those around us.