Articles Tagged 'Handicap'

Facing Life's Uh-oh's

What do you do when the problems come?

Ron Rose writes about life's obstacles and challenges us to follow the example of others who have lived beyond their limits.

Handicapped and His Glory

How can a crippling situation or handicap actually be an open door for the Savior?

Sarah Stirman has reason to reflect on being crippled or handicapped and being useful to God.

Who Thanks God for This?

How can you see so clearly when your eyes have no sight?

Bill Sherrill talks about Fanny J. Crosby, the great Christian song writer, and her ability to see acutely even though she was blind.

The Prayer of an Angel

Would you come to the party and let him pray with you?

A surprising visit from Eddie at a coffee shop completes the Jesus Party weekend and opens the door for an angel to pray at church.


Do you sometimes feel useless?

No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!

A Coach's Choice

Would you have given a boy with these struggles a chance?

Thank God for those who give others in unfortunate situations a chance to succeed.

Here Comes Santa Claus

When was the last time you played this part?

Getting a chance to play Santa Claus opens up a deep joy and a reminder that we need to be Jesus to those around us.