Phil Ware takes into John 4 and Samaria with Jesus and let's Jesus speak to us about the sower and the harvester rejoicing together.
07/18/2024 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his 'I doubt it!' series and looks at Jesus' promise that the fields are ready for harvest.
06/29/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his 'I doubt it!' series and looks at Jesus' promise that the fields are ready for harvest.
03/14/2017 by Phil Ware
Anne Voskamp reminds us of several absolutely essential points about being useful, productive, and fruitful to God and it often means saying no to early harvests and yes to what takes longer and more work.
08/23/2014 by Ann Voskamp
Ann Voskamp talks about this year's wheat harvest and how it reminds her of God's grace and message of love when she was once in France and how communion is about love and love is about sacrifice.
10/25/2013 by Ann Voskamp
Mike Barres reminds us about the power of leadership and encourages us to prayerfully step up if asked.
04/27/2009 by Mike Barres
We must remain connected to Jesus if we are going to bear fruit in the Lord.
08/06/2006 by Tom Norvell
God wants us to blossom where we are planted.
08/23/2005 by Elizabeth Price
Sometimes it takes some people many years to truly bloom, but we must be patient because when they do it is senstational!
11/28/2004 by Joey Cope