Articles Tagged 'Help' (Page 15)

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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Overwhelmingly Blessed

When was the last time you counted your blessings?

We must realize that with our blessings comes the responsibility to use them generously.

Am I a Goat, Too?

What can I learn about hard-hearted parishes in Louisiana?

Judging the hard-heartedness of some Louisiana parishes leads me to look at my own hard-heartedness.

I Don't Know How It Feels

God knows how it feels, do you?

The storm comes and rages and destroys, do you know how that feels? God does!

Looking Ahead

Which direction are you looking?

We can learn many things from the resiliency of those who have lost so much.

Just Trying to Help

Can you find the energy to do something?

People are ready to help in the Katrina crisis, thank God!

Don't Forget!

How could we forget something this important?

In times of trouble, we need to remember our blessings so that we can bless others in need.

Help for Katrina's Victims

What can I do to help?

Help for Katrina victims is crucial and is somethign that any Christian is going to do to help his or her neighbor.

Storms Come

How will we survive our storms?

In the middle of the storms of life, where are we going to turn? Jesus!

Remembering and Praying

We must do more than simply remember what was there!

Thinking through the whole hurricane mess and looking forward to helping and praying.

Extreme Hospitality

Is your home and heart open to others?

We must open our homes to others!

The Day the Tree Went Crashing

When's the last time you held a neighbor's hand?

One of the kindness things we can do is simply hold a friends hand and listen to his or her pain and problems.

Anyone Else?

Would you let go?

Can you let go of what appears to help hold you but you know is ultimately going to do you in?

The Kids Behind You

Who will step up and point the way?

The generation coming behind us, the millenials, are not hopeless at all, but we must step up and help guide them.

Passing It Along

Who are you living to bless?

We must live to pass along our faith to several generations, not just our kids.

What Then?

Where do you go when there is no place to go?

God longs for us to come to him and receive his mercy and grace in our struggles and cast all our anxieties on him.

Open Our Eyes!

What do you see around you?

God has his protection for us all around us if we will only ask for eyes to see.

Reminder in the Storm

How can you stand the fury of your storms?

A violent storm reminds us of our need for God and his holiness!

A "Lucky" Break

Sometimes when things look worst, God is working to make something good~

Sometimes our worst moments are exactly the moments when God surprises us with joy.

You Know How it Feels

Do you really know how it feels?

If we have been through a hard time, we know how it feels and God can use us to comfort others.

Do You Get the Point?

How much to help those who need someone in their lives?

The real point of life is being willing to be a friend those who need relationships.

A Titanic Truth

Have you been saved in every way a person can be saved?

The movie Titanic gripped our hearts, but only Jesus offers permanent love, rescue, and salvation.

Letters from My Sisters

Have you noticed how sweet your sister's voice is to your ears?

Women, sisters in Christ, are such a blessing for support, friendship, help and encouragement.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

What does your neighborhood look like?

What would happen if we matched our Christmas decorations spending with help for those in need?

Relationship Gardening

How does your garden grow?

Like a fine garden, a marriage relationship takes cultivation and care

The One Left Behind

How in the world will you ever catch up?

So often we get behind and don't know how to catch up; how about listening to God and what he tells us?