Articles Tagged 'Help' (Page 16)

Making a Friend

Can you love the unlovable?

If we are willing, we can love the unlovable and encourage them to know Jesus.

Cure Alls

I thought Bactine fixed anything!

Sometimes in the heat of the moment, we address the wrong issue with the wrong cure.

Have It His Way!

What difference can the squawking voice really make in a day?

Some people are just God's special blessings for us along the way.

Amazing and Extended Grace

Who is most like Christ in your world?

Family caregivers are the greatest example of Jesus for many of us in our world today.

Please Arrest Me!

When's the last time you turned yourself in?

If we will honestly ask for God to change us and help us, he will step and do so because he knows our struggles and longs to give us mercy.

Aunt Vera

What difference does a distant aunt really make?

An aunt doesn't appear on the surface to make that much difference, but when you look a little more closely, she can make a world of difference.

A Morning Prayer

What can you include in your morning prayer?

We need the Lord's help if we are going to be his people throughout the day; so let's start the day with prayer.

The Rest of the Story?

So what is the rest of the story?

We must take time, listen with our heart, and learn the rest of the story in people's lives if we are going to effectively minister to them.

The First to See the Sunrise

Why would anyone live in such a place of discomfort and danger?

Christians are called to be in the place of danger to help others find their way home to safe harbor.

Why Do We Do It?

What keeps us doing the Heartlight ministry?

Request for help and an explanation why we keep Heartlight going.

Our Heritage

What are we designed to do?

Humans have souls and live forever.

Say a Prayer for Me

What can we do to help others in the middle of their messes?

What can we do when it seems we can't do anything? We can pray.

Responding to the Gift-Giver

What do you do for those who give you gifts?

We bless because we have been blessed.

Call Tech Support

Called tech support lately?

Let's go to God with our problems!

Where to Begin

Is there a place to start making the world a better place?

To start making things better, begin with yourself!

At Just the Right Time

Can you hang on till the right time?

God sends us help at just the right time.

Bent on Self-Destruction

What do we do with folks bent on destroying themselves?

Sometimes those who show themselves to be very self-destructive just need someone to help them get some rest and encouragement.

Touching Jesus

Have you ever touched Jesus? You've had a chance to touch him!

When we touch those in need and treat them with dignity, we are touching Jesus.

Domonic's Fan Club

Do you have someone who needs you to believe in him?

Some folks are just needing someone to believe in them and take a shot at helping them make it; are we willing?

Honor the Dead by Helping the Living

How can we honor those who have meant so much to us in the past?

One of the very best ways to honor the memory and life of someone we respect who has died is to use what they have taught us and shown us to bless the living.

Department or Attitude?

Did you hear the one about the fellow who walked into First Suburban Church wearing an expensive suit and a baseball cap?

If you value human contact and personal service, then take note of and appreciate it when you receive it.