All Christians have the Holy Spirit and are spirit-filled so their lives must demonstrate this reality.
05/17/2006 by Bill Sherrill
We can only regain our rightful place in our spirit through Silence and the work of the Holy Spirit on our spirit.
03/26/2006 by Scott Owings
Our prayers get to God, they don't bounce back to us and we can be sure about that because Jesus intercedes for us.
03/18/2006 by Kathy Bailey
Transformation, sanctification takes time in the real world of our lives, but God won't give up on us.
02/24/2006 by Paul Faulkner
God has a record of the things he has done through us in his family album.
12/04/2005 by Ron Rose
Under persecution and difficulty, we most often need to pray for boldness instead of protection and ease!
11/15/2005 by Rubel Shelly
Crazy things happen to all of us, but we can face them with joy because of God.
11/10/2005 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Prayer empowers God's people and God's message.
08/01/2005 by Phil Ware
Nothing short of the Holy Spirit is enough to account for the Christian's change!
07/14/2005 by Jim McGuiggan
A group of baby birds in a flower basket nest remind us of the key three things for all of us as week to take flight for God!
05/23/2005 by Phil Ware
A fire burned down a church building but rebuilt a church.
05/12/2005 by Joe Bagby
Jesus used the 50 days after Pentecost to change and transform the broken disciples into world-changers.
05/09/2005 by Phil Ware
Only God can bring new life with refreshment through his holy spirit.
12/08/2004 by Bruce Wadd
We are God's children and that sense of identity should be crucial in our lives.
12/03/2004 by Alan Smith
Even when we cannot see the presence of God in our lives, he's always there!
12/02/2004 by Kelly Breece
No matter how desperate things can seem, God has given the ability to hope in him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
02/15/2004 by Russ Lawson
There is great power of child-like hope when empowered by the Holy Spirit.
02/14/2004 by Janice Price
Imagine that we all approached life with the attitude of, "If it's not on the test then I'm not going to learn it."
02/13/2004 by Alan Smith
God continually renews our hope through the Holy Spirit.
02/12/2004 by Bill Sherrill
Just as a pneumatic wrench gives us more power to remove bolts, the power of God's Spirit, the pneuma, gives us power to live.
02/11/2004 by Mike Barres
Even if our time in life means we have to slow down, that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit quits working in us; we can see his power in the small things he does in our lives.
02/10/2004 by Charlotte Barres
One hour life transformation may be promised by an ad, but Jesus working through the Holy Spirit can make it happen!
02/09/2004 by Phil Ware
Real change, true transformation, will not occur in our lives until we relinquish control completely to the Lord and the power of his Spirit.
01/05/2004 by Phil Ware
God is both majestic and gracious; can we draw near to him as sinners with familiarity and tenderness?
10/13/2003 by Phil Ware