Articles Tagged 'Honor'

A Journey of Love and Care

Finding Hope and Support in Times of Need!

Finding help for aging adults with Alzheimer's, ALS, and other mobility-related issues is essential to care for those you love fully.

The Who's Who that Really Matters

So how do I get my name in this book?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's book of Who's Who is only filled with those who are servants.

Reflecting the Servant Heart of Jesus

How do you honor a servant who is not trying to be noticed but simply trying to do good things for others?

Phil Ware talks about a university honoring students for their acts of service and it leads him to wonder how we honor God's servants today.

God Put His SIGnature on You!

Can you see God's signature on his masterpiece?

Phil Ware reminds us that we are all God's gifted children and that God has put his signature on each of us in three different ways.

ToGather: What It Means to Follow (October 9, 2022)

When Peter, Andrew, James, and John accepted Jesus' call to follow him, everything changed for them!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in online, virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us understand, celebrate, commit, and confess what it means to follow Jesus.

ToGather: Christ at the Center (June 19, 2022)

We choose to follow our Lord's example and submit our desires to the needs of others.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate Father's Day and Juneteenth, and also focus on the practical ways we live in relationship with others with Christ at the center of

Red to Honor, White to Remember

What will you do to remember and honor your mother?

Phillip Morrison offers Encouraging Words about Mother's Day and the red or white flowers we wear in honor and to remember our mothers.

ToGather: He is My Mighty Rock, My Refuge (March 27, 2022)

We celebrate that God is our salvation, our stronghold, our refuge, our one certainty in the middle of all that is unsure!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us that God is our stronghold, foundation, certainty, refuge, strength and assurance.

ToGather: Called to Holiness, Not Passing Judgment (November 14, 2021)

Can we really pursue obedience and have a deep passion for holiness and still welcome people who practice their faith differently than we do?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's greatness and to living a life of holiness that refuses to judge others in Christ over non-essential practices.

Reflecting the Servant Heart of Jesus

How do you honor a servant who is not trying to be noticed but simply trying to do good things for others?

Phil Ware talks about a university honoring students for their acts of service and it leads him to wonder how we honor God's servants today.

ToGather: Made to Glorify! (October 3, 2021)

No words can adequately describe the love that brought God to earth in Jesus, but we can celebrate this gift of grace and live to bring God the glory that is due him!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's greatness and bring him glory and honor in all we say and do.

Warts and All

When I recall how Mr. Ellis brought me back into the human fold, I remember that Jesus once took ten lepers in hand and did the same.

Philip Gulley uses his homespun charm to pay tribute to a hero, tell a self-effacing story about childhood warts and crushes, and weaves it together to remind us of God's love and how we should love others.

ToGather: Thank You, O God, Our Father! (June 20, 2021)

Some of us have had good fathers. Others have had absent fathers or bad fathers. In Christ, however, we have been adopted into God's family, and we all have a loving, powerful, tender, and attentive Abba Father!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us honor and praise our Father in heaven on this Father's Day.


Jesus recalibrated greatness and changed it from being fame and notoriety to kneeling and using a basin and towel.

Phil Ware reminds us that the Jesus vibe is about being a servant and helping others, but he also reminds us that there are powerful memories in the Lord's Supper to help remind us of this thought.

ToGather: Life that Lasts (May 16, 2021)

Sometimes a single, short, straightforward passage from Proverbs gives us two gems to help us live fruitful and long lives!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate the greatness of Jesus our Lord and learn to live for him from others and help others learn to live for him, as well!

ToGather: More than Our Words Can Express (January 24, 2021)

God is worthy of all our praise — more than our finite minds and inadequate vocabulary can muster. So, how can we praise God appropriately?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos encouraging us to worship God with all that we are and have and say. for November 22 is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home or group worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday Verse of the Day home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: The End of the Law? (October 4, 2020)

As we join together to honor Jesus as our Christ and Lord, we can lay every burden down and rejoice in the grace God has lavished upon us.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we can be assured our righteous was purchased by

ToGather: Intentional Godliness (September 27, 2020)

Godliness means having the commitment and the spiritual discipline to live in ways that honor and reflect the character and compassion of God.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we are called to live godly lives, intentionally!

ToGather: Jesus Is Both Savior and Lord (September 20, 2020)

Jesus isn't just our Savior; he is also our Lord. As Lord, Jesus challenges us to take up our cross and follow him.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we need to place our challenges in Jesus' hands!

ToGather: More Than I Can Handle! (September 13, 2020)

Jesus put his disciples into a position where they realized that they needed to lean in and lean on him.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we need to place our challenges in Jesus' hands!

ToGather: I Forgot How Big! (September 6, 2020)

Nehemiah reminded God's people — even as they lived among the ruins of their failed history — that God is bigger than their failures and can re-create his new future for them.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a blessing to enable us to worship from home or with family and friends in a meaningful way. They invite us to remember just how big o

In the Footsteps of Jesus

Jesus said this was the right thing for him to do!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of an important reason to be baptized: Jesus was and said it was the right thing to do.

Scales on Our Eyes?

We're like the apostle Paul right before he was baptized: we can't see!

Phil Ware concludes his 14 part series on how God values women and their importance in the life of His people.

Made to Be Complements

In the Lord, we are called to complement, complete, and bless each other so that each can be what she or he is created by God and re-created in Jesus to become!

Phil Ware continues his series on how God values women as seen in Scripture, this is part 2.