Articles Tagged 'Honor' (Page 4)

Thanks Dad!

How can you honor your dad this week in a significant way?

Phil Ware describes how his dad was great and how he taught his family how to love and stand up for kids.

A Sabbath Rest

Do you rest at least one day per week?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to rest 1 in 7 if we are going to fully experience life and be productive.

It's Not About ...

What is your life really about?

Is our life about us or about God, about giving him the praise in everything or about everything revolving around us.

Resolve to Follow Christ's Path

Are you ready to quit your New Year's resolution?

Whatever commitments you made for the new year I hope you're keeping them, but more importantly my hope and prayer is that you are holding on to the commitment to love Christ. are holding on to the commitment to love Christ.


Can you walk this walk from now on?

It's not how many days we have, but how we use those days for God that matter -- or to say it differently, it is not how far we walk, but how we walk in the miles we cover that matter most.

So What's the Point of the Bible?

Do you really know why God gave us the Bible?

The Bible is given to us to help us know God and how to live for God, not to judge others.


How can you truly describe her with mere words?

Mothers are the one constant in our continually changing lives.

Time for Thanksgiving

Isn't time to do this with everything else going on?

Thanksgiving is something that is needed, commanded, and celebrated: so let's give thanks.

The Heart and Soul of Success

An appreciation for those in the trenches ...

While in the world the folks who are the secret to success don't get noticed, God notices the servants among us and so must we.

Honor the Dead by Helping the Living

How can we honor those who have meant so much to us in the past?

One of the very best ways to honor the memory and life of someone we respect who has died is to use what they have taught us and shown us to bless the living.

The Least of These?

How do you treat those that you don't have to be nice to?

How we treat the folks we don't HAVE to be nice to reveals a whole lot about us.