Articles Tagged 'Hope' (Page 10)

In Jesus' Name

This is no throw away or empty phrase, but a reminder of the One in charge!

Max Lucado reminds us of the great power of praying in Jesus' name.

More Bread than Peanut Butter to Spread

What do we do when we have way more going on in our lives than we can handle?

Phil Ware begins a series of posts on our needing rest with Jesus and focuses on what we do when we have more to do than resources or strength and we don't have a rest time close at hand.

Fear Is an Option

Fear and discouragement can rule our hearts, but we can choose another option!

Max Lucado reminds us that fear can either crowd out our faith or our faith can crowd out our fear; the option and the choice are ours.

The Right Stuff

When considering your expectations for your spouse, have you ever thought to do an honest assessment of yourself first?

Byron Ware writes about getting ourselves ready for being marriage material!

Would I Dig a Hole?

What would you not do to save the life of a friend?

Phil Ware talks about four friends who dig a hole in the roof to get their friend to Jesus so he could be healed; so what would we be willing to do to get our friends to Jesus to be saved?

God Answers the Mess of Life

Is there any hope for the monotonous mess of life?

Max Lucado recognizes the monotonous routine of life and its challenges and reminds us that God's grace meets us in our messes and gives us the power to live our way out of them.

Because Jesus Wants You to Be

If Jesus was baptized and if Jesus wants you to be baptized, what's holding you back?

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the most simple and basic reason of all to be baptized: Jesus wants us to be!

Not All Who Lose Are Losers

Sometimes the scoreboard only reveals the game's outcome, not the winners and losers!

Phillip Morrison reminds us that not all who lose are losers, in fact, the greatest victor of all could have been called a loser before he won the greatest victory of all time.


In the healing of a man with leprosy, we see the touch of Jesus and new life promised to us through the Spirit's resurrection power.

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus touching a man with leprosy and focuses on how Jesus' touch and word of command make clean and redeem this man who was left alone to die, abandoned by everyone and everything in his world.

All That Stuff

How are we going to define ourselves?

Max Lucado reminds us that we shouldn't and we can't define who we are by what we have or don't have, but by our contentment in the Lord.


Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to do it, too!

Phil Ware begins an 8-part series on discipleship and following Jesus in caring for the hurt people of the world.

Finding Contagious Joy

How can we move from contingent joy through courageous joy to contagious joy?

Max Lucado reminds us that contagious joy is rooted in courageous joy and not contingent joy, and our courageous joy is rooted in Jesus and faith in what God did through Jesus.

Marketplace Ministry

What are you going to do with this third of your life?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that 1/3 of our life is spent working so we need to be aware that God doesn't have us where we are by accident.

Connecting Those We Know with Jesus

O God, make our hearts ache for them to know Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on "The Andrew Effect" by focusing on connecting those we know with Jesus.

New Wine and Old Skins

Can we keep growing, or do we have to stop just because we age?

Phil Ware shares an insight on older people in the Bible and today who kept growing and changing through the years because they wanted to be more like Jesus.

Hope of the World

What can this old story powerfully say to our geopolitical messes of today?

Phil Ware shares his series for December 2015 on welcoming Jesus and focuses on the Magi from the gospel of Matthew and lets that story remind us our need to reach out to the lost and foreigner and alien and refugee among us.

Thankful in ALL Circumstances

Caught between Thanksgiving and Christmas and in a life full of challenges and pains, what do we do?

Brian McCutchen reminds us to trust God and learn that our current circumstances aren't forever and that God can lead us to a new place.

Christ: The Center

Are we really willing to make Jesus the center of our life.

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus is the center of everything, our salvation, our time, our hope, but will we make Jesus the center of our lives?

Thanks, but No Thanks

Some people have a hard time being thankful. Christians do not.

There are reasons some people have difficulty giving thanks. We Christians see things differently.

'yada, yada, yada'

How do you cope with a world gone crazy and violent and depressing in the time you are supposed to give thanks?

Ann Voskamp reminds us of the yada in Thanksgiving and redefines it to fit the truth of God.

Running the Wrong Way

People sometimes run the wrong way at my gym. The same thing happens in life.

People choose the wrong direction for life. It may be they do not know the right way, or they try an easier shortcut, or they just want to do it their way.

No Longer Any Sea

The glorious future when the sea is no more!

Phil Ware concludes his 10 part series on "Saved at Sea" dealing with sea stories in the Bible and how God has always saved his people, this time focusing on the ultimate saved at sea story, Revelation 21:1-5

Never Be Afraid to Listen!

when we’re looking for a brave way to heal our relationships, our hearts & the internet!

Ann Voskamp reminds us that there is no harm in just listening, and there can be great healing and hope and transformation.


God will get us where we need to be when we need to be there!

Phil Ware continues his series on Saved at Sea focusing on Paul's promise in Philippians 1:6 and Paul's shipwreck and travel to Rome to fulfill his calling from God.

Ready for Anything That Comes

Here is someone whose faith has stood the test of time and continues to display that faith in the face of great challenges.

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the decency, faith, and goodness of two former presidents, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.