Rubel Shelly reminds us that the heroes of scripture had to endure many of the same kinds of challenges we do, that is what makes their witness so powerful.
08/28/2015 by Rubel Shelly
What's your hope for the future? Who or what are you putting your trust in? Let me encourage you to fully trust in the Lord and his salvation.
08/05/2015 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware begins a series called Saved at Sea which focuses on God's deliverance and truth found in the stories about the sea and rivers and water in the Bible.
06/08/2015 by Phil Ware
Phillip Morrison writes about the weather in Texas and the reminder that we need to look beyond the horizon of our own circumstance and remember the promise, hope, redemption, and healing of God.
06/05/2015 by Phillip Morrison
Rubel Shelly reminds us about God's enfolding peace in the middle of life's worse storms and that this has been true for centuries.
05/16/2015 by Rubel Shelly
Stacy Voss writes about her pain and a friend's pain at finding out that their husbands have been unfaithful and had repeated adulteries.
04/24/2015 by Stacy Voss
Stacy Voss reminds us that we can let our bitterness and un-forgiveness poison us and steal our lives from us.
02/28/2015 by Stacy Voss
Rick Brown writes a beautiful story on the background of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a reminder that Jesus came for all of us misfits so we could know we fit in.
12/25/2014 by Rick Brown
So a little boy was born, named Immanuel. He was a living sign from God, a reminder that God is with his people. Because Ahaz wouldn't listen and wouldn't put his trust in God, his nation would suffer defeat. But he had in this young boy the constant remi
12/17/2014 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware writes a two part series on Finding Jesus at Christmas and this one focuses on spending time with Jesus in the Gospels.
12/08/2014 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares the beginning of A Year with Jesus and an invitation to join the free daily devotional and get to know Jesus more fully during the course of the year as you journey together through the New Testament.
11/30/2014 by Phil Ware
Death means the end of everything if you are not a Christian. It is the beginning of everything if you are.
10/22/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Ann Voskamp looks at her daughters, remembers her own journey, and reminds all women that it is God, our Father, who determines the worth of a woman, not a mirror, not the media, and not our own doubts and self-deprecations.
09/13/2014 by Ann Voskamp
Phillip Morrison writes to remind us that the Ferguson tragedy is not new, but a repeated wound or scar, and we need trusted friends to help address the issue, and the same is true with our lives and Jesus our friend.
09/01/2014 by Phillip Morrison
May such tragedies never come your way. But should they come, please remember these thoughts. A child who dies leaves a world of strife, finding a place of rest. We can't bring them back, but we can live our lives in such a way that we will go to them.
07/30/2014 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware reminisces about his father's death and the years that have gone by and the reasons things happen and how we will know it all at the end of the Road, just like Amy Grant sings.
06/02/2014 by Phil Ware
Heather Gray shares a devotional on death and love and the power of God through it all for families who are deployed in harms way and she speaks with the authenticity of someone who knows because her husband David Gray was killed in Afghanistan.
05/26/2014 by Heather Gray
Teresa Bell Kindred shares her love for the rain, being still, thinking about the reason and purpose we are here, and Amy Purdy.
05/23/2014 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Phil Ware talks about being stuck in the Land of In-between and how hard it is and some core ideas to take with you as you find yourself in that kind of place.
04/28/2014 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware gives three reasons to sponsor a child with Compassion International.
04/21/2014 by Phil Ware
Phillip Morrison challenges us to face the resurrection and believe or disbelieve, and he promotes believing because you can trust the testimony of those who have their throats cut.
04/06/2014 by Phillip Morrison
Rubel Shelly reminds us of MLK, Martin Luther King, Jr., and how he taught us we were all equal in God's eyes and that Jesus was the answer to uniting us into one people under God.
02/07/2014 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware shares his heart about someone who is precious to him who needs to come to the Lord and has not yet done so.
01/27/2014 by Phil Ware
Mark Frost continues a series by team members on how a church can discover its mission.
01/19/2014 by Mark Frost
Tom Norvell reminds us that this is really a gift worth regifting -- Jesus -- because he is our hope, joy, love, and peace and others need to hear us speak of him when they need him most.
12/29/2013 by Tom Norvell