Articles Tagged 'Hope' (Page 13)

Taste of Grace, Glimpse of Glory

Where can you actually see and taste a little bit of heaven?

Phil Ware writes about a group of young men and young women interning in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and the cultural and racial melting pot that is the church.

Grieve with Hope

Why would anyone think Chrisitans do not grieve?

Christians grieve the loss of loved ones, but we grieve differently because even in death we have hope of a better life.

At the Feet of Jesus

Where should followers of Jesus find themselves?

Phil Ware reminds us about the battle for our lives and that Jesus is the only one with control over the demons, the deep, the diseases, and death.

It's a Time to Help, not just Talk

What can we do?

Phil Ware offers some practical and important advice on what to do to help in the devastation caused by tornadoes.

A Yes! Church

What kind of church do you want to be part of?

Phil Ware writes about interim ministry and his partners, and how we can be a 'Yes" church.

Untold Stories: Eve, the Mother of Seth

What can we learn by just a few obscure references in Scripture about Seth? A whole lot of hope!

Phil Ware uses the story of Eve and Seth to give us encouragement for those times when we think we've failed as a parent.

Finding Our Center when Our World Is Shaken

How do we understand the importance of worship in such a crazy world?

Rick Brown reminds us that in the middle of our chaotic world and the catastrophic things that have happened recently, worship still brings us into the presence of God and gives us a reason to go on!

The Story: Garments of Grace

How can these grave clothes speak of a better hope?

Phil Ware continues his series that parallels The Story and he brings us to the resurrection of Jesus through the humiliation of his disciples and himself and tying his message to the garments of Jesus.

My Deliverer Is Coming!

What is the

Phil Ware continues with his series on The Story focusing on the What Is and Who Is and the Why Is of Jesus' coming.

Getting It Wrong

Come on, now, 'fess up to the truth — it's liberating!

Russ Lawson reminds us that to err is human, that we sin, we mess up, we falter, we are wrong, we make mistakes, but God is in the cleansing and forgiving business and can take care of it if we will admit it and ask for forgiveness.

We Do Not Lose Heart

Come on! Can we really say this honestly?

Tom Norvell uses Paul's words to the Corinthians to help us know that we can keep on the journey of faith and not lose heart.

Will this be 'Lucky 13'?

So are you superstitious, or only a little stitious?

Rubel Shelly writes about the New Year, 2013, and talks about what the year will bring and also about being superstitious.

Standing on the Edge of a new Adventure

What does God have in store for this New Year?

Ron Rose writes about redemption and even more of sanctification, the slow work of God to transform us into something new and better and more like Him and reminds us that this is a process.

Why Christmas Is about Easter

Uh? Christmas is about easter? Tis the season!

Rubel Shelly puts Christmas into perspective by talking about Easter and the resurrection hope of the Savior.

When Our Star first Began to Shine

It's Been up There a long, long Time!

Phil Ware writes about the Christmas star that actually began to shine many years before the Magi found it!


How do we keep the concerns from stealing our thanksgiving?

Phil Ware talks about how to keep thanksgiving a part of our daily lives even though we face challenging times.

More than just a Bag of Bones

What's left when it's all over?

Phil Ware stays with The Story theme and reminds us again of Joseph and his faithfulness.


What do you do when you don't have the strength to do the next thing?

Tom Norvell writes about powerlessness and how we have God with us to help us overcome.

Unnecessary Chapters in Life?

Why do we go through these hard and apparently unnecessary times?

Max Lucado reminds us that the troubles of this present life are preparing us for something far greater.

I AM: God's Handwritten Message from Heaven - Light

Why do we love the darkness so much?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus, I AM, and his claim to be God with us, who brings light into our lives.

Motel 6

When is a cup of coffee a whole lot more?

Thom Lemmons tells us a story that gets to the heart of danger in sexual temptation and lust and a need for a friend.

Did You Learn This in Sunday School?

How about this for the discovery of all life has for you?

Ron Rose talks about moving from waiting to tell the story to being the story in someone's life today.

Everything in Its Time and Place

Every get out of balance?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is a time for everything as long as it is kept in its place and we remain balanced in our lives with the correct priorities.


In the middle of this mess, would you still have called Jesus Lord?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus from the Gospel of John called unpredictable, and focuses on Mary Magdalene calling Jesus Lord in the middle of all sorts of grief, sorrow, despair, discouragement, loss, and hopelessness and is given the gift o

Nicodemus and Joseph Save Easter?

How can two rich guys save Easter?

Phil Ware continues his series called unpredictable on Jesus in the Gospel of John and focuses on Jesus' death and burial through the eyes of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.